NOT Just Another Day at the Beach
| | The only person in America right now who feels like everything is A-ok, is Beach Time Biden. He has spent more time sunning his buns (at Rehoboth Beach) than any other president in history. Meanwhile, our nation crumbles under his charge...actually under Obama's. If we thought his “leadership” was bad... Now we are blessed with Obamala… We have gone from bad to worse.
The audacity of this regime knows no bounds! Their desperation couldn't be more on display than at the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. We all thought that an attempt on Donald Trump’s life was Probable, but not Possible… but it happened. This only furthers our distrust in everyone who's running the show: Our Government, “News Sources” and the Department of (In)Justice! Pretty scary that we are surrounded by this much Evil! The aforementioned are not the end of it either... The Food and Drug administration, parts of our Military... the list goes on and on. Now add on to that, all the the Legal America-Hating Immigrants, some who are IN our government like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib and then tack on the Woke Armies of Antifa and BLM along with the Illegal Invaders, and it truly makes one feel like there is no way out... but there is! There are many Patriots out there working hard for change, and we believe that it WILL come! This is why we all must PRAY.
First of all, God IS in control. We had Smooth Sailing under President Trump and are now experiencing Riptides under Resident Biden, and there are more deadly currents ahead, because the Deep State is not through with us just yet! They are like vicious Sharks, who have been surrounded and they know that the only way out is to Dig Deeper into their nefarious bag of tricks! If anyone still needed proof of this, they shouldn't after the Attempted Assassination of our beloved 45th president! And still, after all that he endures, he comes out on the other side, more Defiant and Courageous! THIS shows us that the hand of God is truly upon him! It sometimes feels like all will be lost, but do not give up hope just yet. If you look back on the fall of the Roman Empire, they went through much of what we are experiencing! Rampant invasions of barbarians and raucous filthy lifestyles taking center stage. But we have so many who have awakened and realize the danger we are in, and they have begun to fight back against this. Since we are only 2 years from the 250th anniversary of the birth of our nation, it's hard not to believe that this could be our demise as most nations do not survive as long as we have, but we believe that God will continue to intervene! In spite of the Lefty Losers, Americans are for the most part Conservative, hard working God fearing people! We hesitated to believe all that X22 states: that this was the plan, and that people needed to see for themselves, but as time goes on, we have begun to understand that this may in fact be true. Think of it: How did Donald Trump come out of nowhere and run for president? Who leaves a life of luxury to be hated, beaten up and bruised? We now believe that he was chosen, because he was the only one with the grit to stand up against all the abuse that they would dole out, and because he loves America so much. We believe that there is an army of high level Patriots standing behind him fighting back on this movement to force us all into the New World Order!
While it might be easier to acquiesce to this plan, we must consider instead the millions of Patriotic citizens in America! There are many of us, and we are showing ourselves to be more committed than ever! Look at the rally where we almost lost Trump! As bullets flew through the air, NO ONE MOVED! They were all more concerned about the well-being of their president! That in itself was a miracle to behold! As we have all seen in the past, when a horrific act like this happens, most of the people are killed due to being trampled! This is proof that we are more united than ever, and are Brave enough to put God and Country before ourselves! We must mention though, the loss of a very brave and courageous firefighter who lost his life protecting his family... Corey Comperatore. While some of us being first responders weren’t surprised by his heroism, we must commend him for being the hero that he was. We pray for his family and hope that they will heal from this. We also must pray for Trump, as this WILL happen again! Watch Chanel Rion’s excellent piece citing that this “lone gunman” did NOT act alone, but was probably prompted by the FBI as shown on phone data! Jesse Waters also did an awesome segment on this during his show as well about hearing from a SS Counter Sniper that they WILL try this again!
For further proof that our movement is alive and well, just look at the thousands of parents who have stood up against school boards and fought back or pulled their kids out to homeschool them! Even Elon Musk has become a victim of the schools secretly encouraging his son to transform into a girl...Vivian. As sad as this is, do you really think that now that he has been victimized by experiencing this first-hand, that he will not become a warrior for change? We do! Patriots like Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon have only been strengthened by the Deep State's actions against them! Just like Trump, it has empowered them to fight to awaken those who were still asleep, helping them to see the truth! Latinos and Blacks are the most changed groups as they can see how our government has taken from them to give to the Illegal Immigrants, and now many are pushing back against allowing these Infiltrators to vote. We also thank God for the few but mighty elected officials who have stood up and voiced their opposition to this takeover.
While God implores us not to Judge one another, He does ask us to have Discernment. These are the times that we must do exactly that! Use critical thinking to recognize and truly understand who the bad guys are. Like Trump has done, we mustn't get pulled into believing that our lives should always be easy, but rather take a stand and do what is needed to “Fight Fight Fight!” The months ahead are going to get pretty rocky, but we need to be prepared and ready! Make sure that you pay attention to EVERYTHING! DO NOT depend on Fake News sources, but tune into those such as OAN, RAV and NewsMax to stay on top of REAL news. Keep yourself fit (mind & body) to be able to react to whatever comes our way! We DO NOT believe that this election will be fair. The Left can’t allow it to be! Trump says it has to be “Too Big to Rig,” but we all know that they will still try to cheat! Whether through the machines, or by canceling the election, they WILL try, because they are fighting for their very lives! Let's work hard so they aren't able to!
However you wish to look at it, lately, our life in America has not been a day at the beach, but rather immersed in shark infested waters, but we are still the Strongest and Best nation! If not, then why do so many illegals want to come here? We need to be thankful for what we have, but strong enough to keep it! We have to pray for and protect our best allies, like Israel, and support them in their time of need, just like they have us! We should aid them in wiping out Hamas, and be there for them when heinous crimes like October 7th and now July 27th happen. If the good nations stand together, it can only make us stronger! We also wish to add that while everyone condemns Russia, please keep in mind that Putin is also fighting the New World Order taking over. However you feel about their “Invasion” of Ukraine, just remember, that the Deep State has used the Ukraine for decades to launder money, and they STILL have no account for the BILLIONS that have been sent there! Anyone else skeptical about HOW Obamala raised $200M in just a few days? We are!
So go out this month and vote in your primaries. Encourage everyone around you to get out and vote too! Wear gear that might encourage a conversation! Check out our newest tee-shirt promoting Trump/Vance! We were SO encouraged by President Trump selecting J.D. Vance for his running mate! He was our first choice, and feel that he can help Trump in turning around all that we need to. He is NOT your usual Polished Politician, and seems very genuine! Perhaps he will go on to lead our nation after that for the next 8 years! Though it’s premature to plan, wouldn’t a ticket of Vance/Vivek be nice in the future? Go forward, and use your summer to work hard to get Donald J. Trump re-elected! Let’s get back to the America we once knew… Land of the Free and Home of the Brave! God Bless you, America & DJT! |
Dangerous Waters
| | this is no longer a case of Right vs Left, Republican vs Democrat, but one of Good vs Evil! We are no longer on the relaxing beach of Peace and Prosperity, but are instead out in the ocean, in dangerous waters, swimming among the sharks who wish to destroy everything that America stands for! | | |
| | If you still don’t think this is a war between GOOD and EVIL, THINK AGAIN! |
Rough Currents Ahead
| | America is going through rough times right now, and there will be even tougher ones ahead. The next six months will bring about a flurry of attempts to forever change our country, a goal that we all know has been at the forefront of our enemies. | | |