It has become obvious to us all that men are being put down for being what GOD meant them to be: strong protectors. They are even pushed back on harder if they are white males who demonstrate strength and/or boldness. At the same time, our young men and boys are being encouraged to not only become comfortable with their “feminine side,” but to actually become feminine! Transgenderism has spiked dramatically in a very short period of time, and this was not coincidental. In fact, it is very well orchestrated! Anyone who is paying attention, has at one time or another, had to ask themselves: “Where exactly is this coming from?” To that, we would answer, from the Left and the NWO.
Those of us from eras that came before the Millenials, know that men have always been the protectors of the family. This came about because their physical strength outweighs that of women. It's just the truth! Women were meant to be the heart of the home, bearing and raising children, while men were meant to be the heads of the home supporting them. This doesn’t mean women can't work outside the home, but the job they do should be workable around their children so it doesn’t take priority over them. These roles are expressly pointed out in the bible, but we as a society have backed so far away from God, that many are not even familiar with this truth. So how then, did the Women's Movement catch on so quickly? Was this really an attempt to make wages and jobs more equal, or was it a more involved plan? At the time, we thought it to be an innocent idea, much like giving women the right to vote, but in hindsight, we see it differently. We now believe that it is and always was, the plan of the Left, that originated from the New World Order, whose goal along with China, is to destroy America.
Think we are exaggerating? Well let us lay out the reasons why we feel that we are right. If people have paid attention, they will recognize all of the signs that have pushed us further towards them achieving this plan of the takeover. Everything that has been pushed upon us, has been done so to make us weaker, so we have no way to fight back to retain our sovereignty. First of all, God has been taken out of our schools, our homes, and our Judeo-Christian faith has been under attack on a daily basis. While Muslim Mosques were allowed to continue their worship during COVID, Christian churches and Jewish Synagogues were made to shut down. Then there’s our families. Divorce, which used to be a very difficult and involved decision, is now used as an easy way out. Like abortion, which was labeled “birth control,” divorce was suddenly seen as not the ruining of a family (which it is), but a means to making sure that each spouse was happy at all times, just like they “deserve” to be... children be damned! When homes were broken up, women had to work outside of them full time to support their kids, leaving them more vulnerable. The schools then moved in as parent figures to our children so they could reset their minds and have control over them. They didn’t stop with just indoctrinating them, but wanted to forever change them in more insidious ways. They moved on to inundating us with alternative lifestyles, which we were all expected to wholeheartedly embrace. If we did not, we were shamed and shunned. Suddenly our children were picked apart and dissected, as their behavior was observed and diagnosed by the adults around them. God forbid that a young girl be a tomboy or a young boy be more nurturing and caring, because that surely meant that they were gay. As society started to accept this alternative lifestyle, and gay marriages were recognized under Obama, like many movements, it then blossomed further to the next level, which is that of transgenderism. If a little girl picks up a truck, or a little boy plays with a doll… it MUST be that they were born as the wrong sex! So does this mean that God makes mistakes? No, it’s the craziness that has been visited upon us all. We Americans are very accepting of other people's beliefs and lifestyles, but there comes a point when we MUST realize that this movement is NOT just about “acceptance.” It is about lifestyles we don't agree with being shoved down our throats, and now we know WHY this is being done! Think back a while…when Obama said he was going to “fundamentally change America,” he wasn't kidding! He started this ball rolling, and has seen it come to fruition during his third (and stolen) term under Biden.
Look around you and notice all the ways we have been lied to and pushed into believing that this is all good and acceptable. Even though less than 2% of people worldwide identify as transgender, companies are pushing the Woke agenda. But if so few are onboard, why are they doing this?
Think Bud Light beer just happened to put Dylan Mulvaney on their cans out of nowhere?Kind of contrary to the past advertisements for beer, right? What about Target bringing Satanists in to sell their products and also promoting “gender affirmative” clothing to 3-year-olds? Now Lululemon and Kohl’s have hopped on the bandwagon. Imagine firing employees for protecting your store and giving information to authorities that led to the arrest of the perpetrators. What about putting Woke logos on the front of babies onesies? Unheard of until now! Guess they are going to find out what going Woke does to their businesses, but again, we had to ask ourselves why. Just recently
Chick-Fil-A was added to this list of new Wokesters, so that made us ponder further, what led a Christian company to go along with this? We found out that it was because of one of the many “Alphabet Agencies" as we call them, specifically CEI, the Corporate Equality Index. This is a made-up
Woke scoring system that is given to companies by the HRC Lobbying Group, so that they can get good credit ratings. They get a better score if they are pushing the Woke ideology. They are given certain guidelines as to what they must promote to maintain these scores. If they don’t go along with this by showing that they follow the
guidelines of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), they will be punished for not doing so by withholding investor’s investments in them. It’s basically fascism, brought to you by none other than George Soros!
We are being torn apart in so many ways, with the main one being how men are punished for being men. Ever hear the phrase “toxic masculinity?” Toxic to whom? Tell that to the riders on the train that Daniel Penny was on when Neely was threatening to kill everyone around him. Think they were upset that this young man decided to step up and protect them? NO! In fact, riders (of all colors by the way), spoke up and thanked him for his valor! He was a Marine who was trained to protect and serve and that he did! And what is his reward? Well, like they did with Kyle Rittenhouse, he was charged with murder. So again, we would ask you, why is this being done? Answer: to send a message loud and clear: If you try to protect yourself or others around you (when the police can't or won’t), you will pay dearly for doing so. This message resonates as strongly as the one that was sent when the Left locked up all of the innocent J6ers who dared enter the capitol... and even those who didn’t. This was and is a warning to us all. Stand down or pay the price! Just last week, two of these Patriots were found guilty of Seditious Conspiracy, which was what the Left actually did! Now the Deep State is pillaging their Go Fund Me accounts by fining them so they have no money for their defense and their families are left penniless! Worst part is that this is deliberate, as proven by the fact that the amounts of the fines match the balances in their accounts EXACTLY! Think that takes the wind out of the sails of any other Patriot wanting to stand up or protect others against threats or maybe even a stolen election? We do!
Basically, America is heading quickly into ruin. We are in fact already there. It's important more now than ever that we have strong men and leaders who will fight against this! There’s a great book about how important strong men are in today's society and homes called “Manhood: The masculine virtues America needs.” It was written by one of our favorite senators, Josh Hawley. It's excellent and those of us at Patriot Parents who have been following him, feel that someday, he would be a great president. In the meantime, we need to revisit our belief systems and make sure we are in agreement in believing that fathers are an integral part of sound homes. In part, sound homes bring about good kids. Good kids turn into great adults. Great adults turn into strong leaders, and through them, our country prospers. We have to get our families back on track and make sure that our menfolk understand that they are valued and that we cannot do well without them being the leaders that they were meant to be. Another way that we have to fight back, is to BOYCOTT any Woke company that tries to indoctrinate our children, by shoving their evil Woke agendas down their throats! Nothing is more effective than bankrupting all of those who go down this path. Look at the message we were able to send to Bud Light and now Target!
Please visit our “Companies to Boycott” page to see the lists of those who do NOT deserve our business. We have also listed companies worthy of our business on our “
Businesses to Patronize” page. Both of these are found under the “Call to Action” heading. In the meantime, here’s a big shout out to the men who are doing the right thing by being the leaders in our homes and of our country so we can fortify our families and take back America, restoring it to its rightful place of being One (Strong) Nation Under God!