Dear Patriotic Americans! | | Many have questioned over the years why we would allow people who seem so anti-American into our government, but now more believe that in fact, they were not elected, but installed. How else can we explain the number of politicians who seem so hate-filled holding office? Another line of thought is that it could also be that they were elected by the immigrants from other lands whom America-hating politicians have allowed to infiltrate our country. Much as it is frowned upon to say out loud, Americans have been WAY too accepting of every culture coming onto our land to live! Yep, we said it! You can love all people as God calls us to do, but do we allow them all in our homes? NO. Before you become offended by that statement, ponder this: Do YOU have a lock on YOUR front door? We are willing to bet that you do. What about those who you let into your home? Are they total strangers or do you know them well enough to trust them? Obama (via George Soros) was responsible for the influx of radical Muslims who now reside in Minnesota and Michigan. Low and behold, look who was elected to office by them: two of the WORST: Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib! We can tell you that this has NOT served other countries well. Countries like Sweden, France, Germany, and the UK that were once mostly comprised of native citizens, have completely changed because of this! The invaders have SAID that they are there to breed their country’s young women to make them all Muslim! One of the biggest blunders Western Civilizations have made is believing that if they import people from Islamic terror sponsoring countries, and show them that life can be different, they will flip their skins and become like their fellow citizens. WRONG. What they have done is let the wolves right into the sheep’s pasture, and that includes us, The United States of America. Just look at how many Pro-Hamas protesters we have in our cities, behaving exactly like they did in the places they came from! Terrorists do NOT assimilate!
We have been sold out at every level of our own government. Rashida Tlaib, a proven antisemite, openly supports Hamas, even displaying the Palestinian flag right outside of her office door! Ilhan Omar is open about her hatred for America as well, recently grouping the US and Israel with Hamas and the Taliban, saying that they have all committed “unthinkable atrocities.” She may have walked that statement back, but we know she meant it. Judaism is under attack, and make no mistake, next it will be Christianity! And what did we THINK would happen? We cannot let those who hate us into our country, much less in our government! This Anti-American sentiment is also practiced by those who are native to our country. Look at the way the Left in our Congress behaves. Jamaal Bowman took down signs and illegally pulled a fire alarm disrupting a Congressional session, and will only get a slap on the wrist, while Matt Gaetz is deemed a rebel for holding McCarthy’s feet to the fire! Our own Resident in the White House ordered Humanitarian Aid to be sent to GAZA, at the same time he is hugging Benjamin Netanyahu. Talk about a backstabber! And what do you think will happen to the $100M Biden gave Gaza? Every penny will go to Hamas because they rule that place! If that isn't maddening enough, just add that the fact that we have 33 trillion dollars of debt, and that our tax money is going to aid terror organizations, support and pay for illegals who are invading our country and to families of drug addicted criminals like George Floyd...even when it's since been revealed that he died from an overdose and NOT at the hands of a LEO!
Most of you know how we at Patriot Parents feel about public education and its indoctrination of our children...but have you heard that the colleges that YOU pay high tuitions for not only indoctrinate your kids sexually, but now politically? Not a new practice, but what do you think about them giving extra credit to YOUR kids to march in a Pro-Palestinian /Anti-Israel rally? Think that's okay? We don't, but UC Berkeley DOES! Have these kids NOT been taught about the Holocaust? Are they trying to turn them into little Communists? It's bad enough that they secretly aid them in getting abortions, confuse them about their genders, and teach them to hate their parents, but now THIS? Unthinkable! Derron Border, the Director of Diversity and Inclusion from the Cornell Johnson Graduate school of Management tried to paint terrorism in a good light by calling the Hamas terror attacks a “resistance” instead of the horrific attacks that they were! Our education system is turning our youth into Useful Fools, and we MUST stop it now!
As we pen this, WWIII looms over us. While this rogue leadership protects other country's borders and gets involved in their wars, they allow and invite the onslaught of upwards of 10 MILLION illegals to invade OUR borders. They use OUR tax dollars to fund them. They also send OUR weapons to protect other countries, leaving us at a deficit which if led to war, insures our inability to fight. They relish involving us in the wars of other countries, but refuse to fight the ones that are waged on our streets every day! From the sorrowful drug infested streets of San Francisco to the gang looted stores on the Miracle Mile in Chicago, to the rampant crime in the subways in NYC, our leadership instead chooses to visit China (Newsom), invoke rules like no bail for criminals (Pritzger) and strut around in a pompous way doing nothing AT ALL (Adams)! What has become abundantly clear to us, is that they are not leaders who put America First. In fact, they cannot be trusted, and we wonder if maybe all of these young men (NOT families or women like they tell us) crossing our borders, may be used someday against us. Since they are allowed to bring in endless supplies of fentanyl, and run sex trafficking rings, we wouldn’t be surprised if our own government would use them in more insidious ways! Think that’s not possible? If our government puts other countries before us, then they are not FOR US. If they are not FOR US, then they are AGAINST us! Hamas offered $10,000 and an apartment to their troops to commit genocide in Israel…what if our government has offered illegals something to take us out? Think depopulation to gain control isn’t the plan? Think again! Recently, we’ve been warned of the possibility of another 911 type attack on our soil. We pray that this does not come to fruition.
Notice all of the mass shootings that have happened, and their timing. Do you believe that they are more than just a distraction? We do! Just like unusual occurrences, like Obama's chef being found drowned in 7 feet of water, we have to think outside the box to even fathom what may be in store for US! What do you think these mass shootings will bring about...GUN CONTROL! Think they are trying to disarm us? We do! Look, you can make all the Tin Foil Hat jokes you want, but we have looked into A LOT, and have found most things NOT to be as they seem! The problem lies in the fact that too many are still blind to this, and the ones who should especially be aware, are having a hard time just coping! Yes, unfortunately, many of our young people are too busy protesting against all that is GOOD in our country to be aware of what is BAD. Just turn on an episode of Survivor if you doubt us! We recently spoke with friends of ours who like us have enjoyed tuning into this mindless but fun television series over the years to get a quick dose of human nature. Those who have watched, can see the radical changes in society, just through viewing shows like this. Even the commercials point it out as well.
Survivor is a microcosm of how people connect, react and behave in life. The way one interacts with others shows a LOT about them! When the show began, it was an interesting mix of very different people from all walks of life. They were a diverse group, but not in a deliberate manner. Ever since the DEI movement though, (when Jeff Probst was excoriated for saying “Come on in guys,” and had to instead say instead “Come on in,”) the whole show has taken on a very Woke vibe. It seems like everyone chosen to be on it reflects what we are seeing in society today. Out of shape, unkempt, lazy, gender confused, easily offended young to middle aged people, who are easily brought to tears at the drop of a hat. And here is the biggest change of all: Them ASKING to be voted out! We kid you NOT! Considering how difficult it must be to get on that show, we were astounded to see not ONE, but TWO participants ASKED to be voted out! (Maybe they missed their mommies!) So it made us ponder: Would these people be able to effectively serve our country if drafted to go to war? We think not. Needless to say, we will be changing our guilty pleasure to another one. We no longer want to witness the WORST of society anymore, but instead, the BEST!
So we have all been sold out by our politicians, the media and even fellow citizens. We feel that this is due to our differing belief systems that have in turn affected the way we live and the kind of children we turn out. As we have said before, this affects us ALL. There are those who believe in God and Country and others who believe in Leftism and Globalism. These two opposing beliefs cannot coexist together well. This is a war of Good vs Evil, and we cannot let Evil win! Be thankful for the blessings that we have, but be diligent in protecting those things that matter: Faith, Family & Freedom...for without these, our beautiful nation cannot and will not survive. Pray hard fellow Americans...that God will intervene and bring America back to what He intended us to be: One Nation Under God...Indivisible! God Bless us all. |
| | Our friend, Israel, needs our prayers. Stand with Israel who is trying to eradicate their ISIS like terror organization of Hamas.Say a prayer (Psalms 20) HERE. |
| | Thankful for the Few | In the midst of the turmoil we have seen in our government, there are a few good Patriots who work hard to serve us rather than their own needs, and we appreciate them. | |
| | Trashing Traditions | Tradition should be an integral part of our lives. It is about celebrating what we are blessed to have, and showing thankfulness for it. | |
| | Saluting all of our great Veterans! Veteran's day is Saturday, November 11, 2023 |
| | Wishing all of our readers and their families a happy, joyous, and abundant Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving day is November 23, 2023 |