The Creepy Deep Swamp

Dear Patriotic Subscribers:
As we begin the month of October, many of us are starting to think about Halloween. Spiders, cobwebs, ghosts, goblins and Jack-O-Lanterns...all make up the creepy theme that some have fun embracing...But do we really want that kind of a theme in our government? Recently, it has been revealed that we have some rather creepy things going on in our country, which are being led by and imposed upon us by the Creepy Deep Swamp in Washington D.C.

Our great and prosperous America is UNRECOGNIZABLE! We have a regime inflicting pain and suffering on millions of us and doing so ON PURPOSE! As if the skyrocketing inflation, soaring gas prices, sinking economy and the out-of-control invasion of our borders of 4.9 million unvetted migrants from 3rd world countries isn't enough, add to that the policies that have allowed criminals to loot stores, destroy our streets, brutally attack our innocent citizens, and then be shielded by rogue attorney generals to go free and re-offend with no fear of arrest or prosecution. We are living in a true horror story! The Biden regime relentlessly pursues innocent Americans who wish to protect their children and country, as if THEY are the criminals! The DOJ has been fully weaponized against us, with the FBI raiding homes of law abiding citizens, and even confronting them on the street or at the airport, confiscating their personal possessions! Meanwhile, hundreds of individuals that are on their own terror watch list have been detained by the border patrol, but are they going after them? NOPE. They’re too busy terrorizing law abiding Americans who actually had the nerve to question the 2020 election or parents who spoke up at schoolboard meetings, because they were disgusted with the pornography being taught to their little kids!

Our children are in grave danger of losing their identities along with the values and beliefs on which this country was built. Just look back at the pre-Obama days. There were no groups like Antifa or BLM, no convoluted gender identities, no weird pronouns, no gender-fluids and non-binaries, no men participating in women’s sports or giving birth, no drag queens…There were men & women, fathers & mothers, boys & girls, and a country to be proud of! Our society has literally been BUTCHERED by the Radical Left, and for us, this is infuriating as hell! Meanwhile, they continue to THRIVE on the abuse, brainwashing, grooming, drugging and trafficking of our children without a thought, leaving them to suffer in the eye of this storm! What is most concerning though, is that this is a well thought out, INTENTIONAL plot to destroy OUR America. And what better way to destroy a country than to ruin the hearts and minds of the next generation, destroy the currency, and wipe out the energy supply? The Biden regime has done all three! We have creepy old Octogenarians who have lost touch with reality running the show. We have a Creeper in Chief who cannot form a decipherable sentence, followed by a Vice Poser who is as dumb as a box of rocks, and a Power-Hungry Witch, aka Speaker of the House who cares more about her ice cream and insider trading deals than the people she is supposed to be serving. All of these “leaders” are in fact Treasonous Traitors, and should be rounded up, perp-walked and brought to justice, RIGHT NOW!

It is very scary to see that all of the destruction of America was planned by these “infil-traitors!” From the stolen election, to the indoctrination of our youth, to the financial devastation, right down to our sources being shut is ALL part of the plan! What we think is the most diabolical part of this though, is looking at WHO these people really are. Their backgrounds, families, political ties etc. ALL tell the REAL story. People can see who someone really is when we look into their pasts and track records. What they portray, compared to who they really are, speaks VOLUMES! The reason we titled this the Creepy Deep Swamp, is because of exactly WHO they are! The media may be trying to hide this information, but everyone is now aware of their pasts, and what they have done and are doing. We cannot look away from this trainwreck of a “government” that has taken us over. The cat is out of the bag! From the regime who perpetrated the ILLEGAL TAKEOVER of our country, to the FBI, CIA and the entirety of the DOJ...ALL need to be put on trial, brought to justice, and replaced by America-loving God-fearing Patriots who will work hard to Make America Great Again. God Bless!

We at Patriot Parents stand in support of our Floridian friends as they rebuild after hurricane Ian.

Click HERE to donate to the Florida Disaster Fund, courtesy of Casey DeSantis
The Enemy Within
Nothing is more of a precious asset than our children, and this is exactly WHY there is a war on them! We know that this assault on our most vulnerable starts when they are in the womb, and it doesn't stop there. The Left has led this abuse on our most innocent so it is WE who MUST stop this insanity NOW.
A Nation In Decline
America has always been the target of Communist countries led by dictators who wish to bring us down because we are THE beacon of freedom in the world. We have shown that Capitalism works, so therefore, we are the enemy. 
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