Most Patriots are aware that there are bad days coming, but unfortunately too many Americans still don't see it. Our government has declared us as Arrogant and Ignorant, and in some ways, we have unknowingly become so. Americans have basked for too long in the light of Freedom and Prosperity, thinking that because of who we are, and where we live, that our Liberties cannot be taken away. Oh, but how foolish that is. Those who believe this must not have been paying attention when history was being taught, or they were in schools where it wasn't. History always repeats itself when we are not keeping ourselves on top of who is leading us, for they are the very people who can cause the undoing that our nation is experiencing right now...
Remember the saying “Absolute power corrupts Absolutely?” Well this is Absolutely True! Instead of electing officials who want to do what's best for us, politicians have been quietly selected by the likes of George Soros for many decades now. While we were blissfully living our lives, evil crept in. Many of these plants were chosen on the basis of DEI, or as we like to call it “Didn't Earn It.” Those like Buttigieg and the
thugs in New York like Letitcia James, Alvin Bragg and
Fani Willis in Georgia, who have hunted down Donald Trump in order to destroy him, are perfect examples of this! They can be bought, because they are in it for the Power and Prestige... more directly speaking, the Money! They have set out to help bring in the New World Order, and they will stop at nothing to get this done! If it means redefining sex, the family or the constitution, they will do anything and everything that they are told to. Bringing us all to our knees is their goal, and they have almost reached it!
We are in an undeclared war right now, and people need to understand this. The worst part, are those in our own party who are Aiding and Abetting this. Look at who helped vote in the outrageous bill that just recently passed late at night! They didn't even give anyone the allotted 72 hours to read it, yet it still passed!
When MTG stepped up to give the new SOTH a pink slip sort of warning notice, everyone went against her, and while we do NOT wish to let Hakeem Jeffries in as the next speaker, we most certainly appreciate her reasons for doing this! Anyone who is paying attention, can see that Johnson has NOT been a better leader than Kevin McCarthy! Christian or not, he doesn't seem to have a spine and THIS is WHY we need a change NOW!
Let's look at the ones who have left leadership, and the ones who need to go. First, Ronna McRomney. A TRUE RINO! Now we understand why she handed the Republican debates over to NBC. She was paving her way to a cushy job there! Problem is, is that after she was hired, her co-workers rose up to declare her unworthy for the position,
getting her fired within a week of coming onboard. Neither side likes her! Now THAT'S justice! Yes, there are many more corrupt individuals who have sold out to the NWO, and the plan of the Great Reset, and they ALL should be dealt with and punished for their crimes! After all, THEY are the ones who have driven us to this point! Nancy Pelosi with her insider trading and executing of the J6 ``insurrection.” That WAS an insurrection of the LEFT...and NOT the RIGHT! Mitch McConnell, whose interests lie with his wife Elaine Chow's family. Fauci the Fraud who was allowed to settle into a rich retirement after his part in the COVID scam. And WHERE, BTW, are the names of the visitors to Epstein Island? When do THOSE names get revealed? Answer: NEVER, because probably 90% of those in office would be listed there. Justice needs to be served, and NOW!
Yes, America is being brought to its knees, and too many are leaning on Trump alone to fix it, but as we pen this,
the Deep State is implementing laws that will hamstring him if he gets in as our next president, so he cannot accomplish all that he is planning to. Then what? Will we be done? Between now and the election, if there even IS one, we will be seeing outlandish events, kind of like what we just saw like the cargo ship that took down the Baltimore Bridge...the first of MANY to come! If you listen to Lara Logan, she explains EXACTLY WHY it happened! NOW do you understand why all the illegals are being allowed in? Not just to vote, or to replace all who are leaving blue states so they don't lose their electoral votes. They will also be used for some of these attacks that will be coming our way...Watch and see! Much like the terrorists of 911 were trained on our very soil, so will these be.
The Left will implement as many distractions as they can, in order to take our eyes off of what is really going on…
Like the P. Diddy trafficking charge. It's an old one, left uninvestigated until now. But why? We all know that pedophilia is alive and well in Hollywood, but why not stop the trafficking by shutting the borders to end it? To us that seems to be the most effective way to stop this evil! How about RFK entering the presidential race when he has no chance of winning? We question this after Nikki Haley ran and was backed by the Left…and for what? Just another distraction? Or was this the candidate they were making ready to install after they put Trump in jail? We don't know, but it would certainly take away votes from the two front runners...or maybe just one. Ever sinc
e RFK Jr. announced the completely Left-winged Shanahan as his VP, we think if it backfires on anyone, it will be Biden! The Dems would love her! So to recap, we are basically in the end days of the plan that was put together decades ago by the Bush family and others. Like Soros, we believe that he was the guru behind Clinton and Obama when they were in office, and has brought about such a Division and Destruction in America, that it will be a miracle if this can all be reversed!
After we get through the storm that is coming, we need to make sure that Justice Rains down on all of the Deep Staters, so that we can see Freedom Reign once again! ALL of our rights and freedoms have been attacked, so if we don’t confront this NOW, they will be lost for good! No matter how hard it is to navigate, we truly believe that this storm is a wake up call that’s a chance for all non-believers to Come to Christ. We have evolved from the Blessed Nation that we once were, into this one that is filled with so much Evil, that it’s time to turn that around!
We are encouraged by the many revivals that have taken place recently on college campuses…a step in the right direction! We need to be more independently-minded, and look at the truth behind everything, so we are able to fight back against this insurrection that is being brought upon the American people! Weather the storm Brave Patriots, and you will see…we will have a better America on the other side! Pray often and pray hard! May God Bless you all and God Bless America!