March against Marxism!
Well fellow Patriots…It's Go Time.

What are we going to choose? Goodness or Evil? The Left is spreading the narrative that Conservatives are trying to bring things back to the “Old Days,” as if we want to bring back the coat hangers and white hoods, but aren't they just accusing us of what they are doing themselves? They act as though we are Demolishing Democracy, when in fact it is they who are doing so! It's like we are fighting for our freedom from the British all over again! While every Conservative we talk to wishes to return to the days where we had God Given rights and were a robust country, no one we have asked said that they want to bring back the archaic times...they want to return to the days that were filled with Faith, Family and Freedom, the pillars of any great society! The Left touts the narrative that Conservatives are out to Destroy our Democracy, when in fact it's the complete opposite! What we want is to return our country to the Republic that we are founded on...But WHY do so many not see this? Think about it…

Ask yourselves: What DECENT country...

  • Allows a Selection of a President rather than the Election of one?
  • Opens its borders to Illegal migration in an effort to replace their Citizens?
  • Commits Demographic Genocide by packing key states with Illegals?
  • Scorns a past President for wanting to implement Detaining and Deporting?
  • Installs these same Illegal law breakers as Election Officials?
  • Lets its most beautiful cities become infested with drugs and the homeless?
  • Allows tons of Fentanyl into the country resulting in the death of thousands?
  • Houses, feeds and pays Illegals while evicting homeless Veterans?
  • Ponders the idea of having Illegal NON-Citizens serve in the armed forces?
  • Uses its own citizen's tax money to support Illegal Invaders?
  • Squanders the money of their people by supporting wars across the world?
  • Forces its citizens to pay the pensions of people in other countries?
  • Sends BILLIONS to others worldwide while its own people suffer?
  • Bankrupts its country by printing money, plunging it into irreversible debt?
  • Legalizes abortion up to and including to the 9th month of pregnancy?
  • Encourages women to use abortion not as a last choice, but for birth control?
  • Makes selling the parts of aborted fetuses a multimillion dollar business?
  • Indoctrinates children by using the schools to teach them lies?
  • Allows statues to be torn down and refuses to teach kids real history?
  • Implements secrecy between children and their teachers leaving parents out?
  • Pushes the lie that there are more than two genders?
  • Encourages children to question their sexuality?
  • Drugs our most innocent for gender euphoria instead of counseling them?
  • Talks children into having irreversible surgeries maiming them for life?
  • Takes children away from their parents if they don't go along with the plan?
  • Allows trans people to hold story time which in turn Supports Pedophilia?
  • Covers up child sex trafficking occurring right under their noses?
  • Holds back lists of PROVEN Sex Offenders to protect the guilty?
  • Squashes the idea of Equal Justice under the Law for EVERYONE?
  • Shuts down their own oil resources and then begs an adversary for theirs?
  • Sells their farmland (next to its military bases) to their enemy?
  • Uses the lie of Climate Change to justify all of their crazy actions?
  • Hires Government officials on skin color/sexual preferences and NOT merit?
  • Pushes electric cars on its people and uses windmills as its energy sources?
  • Kowtows to the Communist Leaders, allowing them to prosper over us?
  • Makes sure that news agencies don't report Truth, but instead Propaganda?
  • Puts politicians into office who HATE their country and wish to destroy it?
  • Allows an Addled Dementia-ridden Resident as a frontman for evil doers?
  • Squanders oil reserves and depletes their artillery by giving them away?
  • Leaves Afghanistan taking out the military first, leaving its own behind?
  • Abandons BILLIONS of dollars of military equipment to its enemies?
  • Vacates a huge AF Base to be left behind for its adversaries to take over?
  • Has a Resident who disrespects Gold Star families with his actions and lies?
  • Aids and abets the destruction of the nuclear family?
  • Makes getting a divorce as easy as changing one's shoes?
  • Stirs up hatred between races and intimidates people by calling them Racists?
  • Divides people by sexual preferences, calling desenters Homophobes?
  • Allows destruction and looting in businesses as some sort of reparation?
  • Toys with the idea of giving certain ethnicities Billions to pay for past sins?
  • Lets repeat offenders loose in society to prey on innocent people to reoffend?
  • Wants to disarm anyone who dares to defend themselves against crime?
  • Uses BILLIONS of TAXPAYER dollars on their OWN security details?
  • Glosses over the crimes of Politicians who serve themselves, but not US?
  • Allows a Compromised Crime Family anywhere near/in their government?
  • And lastly, wants to imprison a former President for crimes NOT committed?

The Answer to the above? A MARXIST COUNTRY…OUR COUNTRY.

The United States of America! What’s going on right now is a Real Travesty and our forefathers must be rolling in their graves! You've heard the saying tied to the month of March of it coming “In like a Lion, and out like a Lamb?” Well in this case, we must start this month as Lions and NEVER let them make us Lambs! God wants us to be Faithful, but He also calls us to be Fighters! It's time that we fight back in ways that we can. Best way? With your MONEY! DO NOT patronize ANY business that directly or indirectly supports this, because it IS exactly that: Marxism! This is our last chance, and honestly, if we are not able to get Donald J. Trump back into office, America WILL be OVER! Don't take our word for that. Look Around. It's happening right before our eyes!

This is Go Time Patriots! Let's do this!

America was founded on the basis of being a society governed by Meritocracy. The people elected to lead us were selected on their ability. In this society, those who succeeded, did so as a result of their hard work! Unfortunately, we are so far over to the other side, that we are now running as a Kleptocracy.
March Madness
Do you ever look at everything that's going on around us and think to yourself, Is this for real? Is this really happening? Is this the country that I grew up in? We do as well, and are here to tell you that it IS real, it IS really (sadly) happening and this is NOT the country that any of us grew up in!
Pray for the 134 Israeli hostages, still held in captivity by brutal Hamas terrorists.
We Stand With Israel

Losing America
We at Patriot Parents pray hard every day that we are not witnessing the final days of America. As much as we each work hard in our own ways to make a difference, sometimes taking in all the news leads us to feel that this may be our last stand. Think of it: We are laying everything on one man to bring us back from the edge of the cliff!
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March 31st, 2024
March 23-24, 2024
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