It's Only a Matter of Time
Most Americans can see that our country is going down a very slippery slope. This is not a theory, but truth. If you look around you and see what's been happening in the last three years, it is very evident that we're being taken down from within. It's always been said that if America is destroyed, it will not be from the outside, but by our very own hands... We are right there now...

The reason that Patriot Parents began was because we could see very clearly how the American family was being dissolved right before our eyes. While we understood that this has been the plan of our adversaries, and started many decades ago, it was easy to deny it and write it off to changing times...we no longer have the luxury to do that. Since the family is the main pillar of any good society, seeing it destroyed isn't only Disgusting, but is very Dangerous! No longer can we accept that Mr. and Mrs. Jones didn't do a good job raising Tommy and Suzie... First off, Mr. and Mrs. Jones aren't together. The kids are in daycare and each of their parents have gone on to new horizons so their attention is no longer on their kids. Nowadays, Mr. and Mrs. Jones may be Mr. and Mr. Jones, or Mrs. and Mrs. Jones and that's an entirely different story. The point is, that too many parents have dropped the ball, and the problem is that it isn't just an annoyance of these kids growing up to be disrespectful or unable to cope or not lead successful lives... Now Tommy and Suzie have become real delinquents! They march in the streets supporting organizations they know nothing of, commit various horrific crimes, or they are on the streets, strung out on God knows what new drug! This is a danger to us all, as it affects not just their lives, but OURS, as well!

While this may be shocking to read, it's the truth, and someone has to say it!!! Americans have been worn down to accept anything and everything, or THEY will be attacked! They have been molded into little “yes men and women" to a fault! Too many have acquiesced to this and that is WHY we are where we are now! Our enemies know that there are a few very simple, yet effective ways to destroy our country... The family, our borders, inflation, and destroying our faith. Any one of these things can bring a country to their knees, but when they are all done in conjunction with one another, we are in deep trouble! We are DONE. Our society has become deliberately soft, where people virtue signal those around them by being “kind and accepting,” but if you are a Truth Teller, you are labeled as BAD NEWS! Well guess what? WE are and will ALWAYS be Truth Tellers, no matter the result! Someone has to wake everyone else up and inspire them to become involved in turning this thing around, if in fact we will even be able to! The time is RIGHT NOW!!!

Here are just a few of the points that we ALL MUST be able to agree on as American Loving Patriots! They are straight forward and truth based! No matter what your beliefs are, we must be like minded as One Nation Under God, or we WILL lose our beautiful Land of the Free, Home of the Brave!

*There are 2 sexes: Men and Women. No marriage s/b same sex.
*Police officers must be Protected and Respected.
*ALL Illegals MUST be deported ASAP!
*America First! Our tax dollars go for US! No more handouts!
*Trans people have mental illness. Treat them as is necessary!
*Convicted child sex traffickers MUST get the death penalty.
*End abortion unless it is to save the mom's life: Adoption instead!
*No adoption by same sex or Trans couples.
*Close our borders NOW! Build the rest of the wall!
*Defund the Public Schools. School vouchers NOW!
* Big Pharma is dangerous and must be held responsible for their actions.
*No Racism can be tolerated! Reverse Racism as well!
*No reparations for ANYONE! Get past your past!
*No citizenship for Anti-Americans! If you can't assimilate: LEAVE!
*Politicians should be investigated financially. No more Insider Trading!
* Defund ALL 3 Letter agencies and start over!
*AI must be stopped before it gets out of hand. It’s dangerous!
*Keep our government small. They serve US~not us THEM!
*Any/All government officials who took place in treason must be charged.

A little Strong and Straight forward for you? Well, these are the ideals on which America was founded. We were built on Biblical Beliefs and if you read the Bible, it's ALL there! It's time to take our country back if in fact we can! If not now, then we will all be victims of the Elites who are planning our demise! It's Now or Never fellow Patriots! If we do not do this ASAP, then It's Only a Matter of Time before our beloved America falls. God Bless You.

A Time for Manly Men
To understand this transformation of boys and men, we need to know what is behind it. First, it's not by chance. This is deliberate. How better to weaken a country in order to take it over, then to turn its men into weak, confused, passive, drugged out individuals?
Friday, June 14, 2024
Happy Flag Day, America!
Same day as our favorite president's birthday!
Friday, June 14, 2024
Time is Ticking
As we have all watched the Trial of Trump, we can't help but wonder where the heck this is all headed? He was found guilty on all 34 counts as we all knew would happen. If our corrupt DOJ can do this to a successful and popular millionaire who also happened to be a past President, then what can they do to the rest of us?
Only Minutes Away
The changes are coming at a rapid pace. Look around and see the proof. Everywhere, we have tons of apartment and condo-like dwellings going up right near (or sometimes IN) shopping centers around us. We believe that these are the Fifteen Minute Cities that we have been told about!
May our great dads out there help raise a strong next generation of Americans!

Sunday, June 16, 2024
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