As a writer, you should not judge. You should understand.

- Ernest Hemingway                                   
Preorder my latest Novel - Publication date: September 21, 2024

Nuff Sed: A Novel of Desert Steve, is now available for preorder in eBook format, and the paperback will be available for preorder soon.

The publication date of September 21 is symbolic, for that is the day that Desert Steve officially founded Desert Center in 1921. One hundred and three years later, you can read a historical fiction rendering of his life. 

This novel has taken me almost five years to research and write. I enjoyed every moment, and I am quite pleased with the result. I hope you will be too! 

Preorder available here
Doctor Markus
Other News
  • I spent two weeks in the desert. While the first week included some writing and editing, it was also a time of rest. A wonderful family from New York was staying in the same resort, and we had a joyful time together. One of them has the same birthday as myself and Ernest Hemingway, so we celebrated with a fine dinner at Masters—all three birthdays! 
  • While I am winding down the final touches on Nuff Sed, I have also begin researching and outlining my next novel, tentatively entitled Seven Planets. I believe it will become the first volume of a trilogy.  
  • Back aboard the yacht for the first half  of August, the first Los Angeles Rams preseason game, dinner with friends at the Waldorf Astoria in LA, and then another writing sabbatical back to the desert to get a good running start on Seven Planets.
Available September 21
Nuff Sed: A Novel of Desert Steve
Desert. Sun. Sand. And no roads or human settlements within 50 miles in any direction. The perfect place to found a town?

Set against the backdrop of the early 20th century, this historical fiction novel provides rich historical context, offering insights into the development of the American West. McDowell’s narrative captures the spirit of the era, highlighting the ingenuity and perseverance required to succeed in such a formidable environment.

Nuff Sed is accessible to both history enthusiasts and general readers. McDowell’s engaging prose makes the past come alive, inviting readers to step into Desert Steve’s shoes and experience his adventures firsthand.

Praised for its detailed research and captivating narrative, pre-release copies have earned accolades from critics and readers alike. McDowell’s ability to weave historical facts with compelling storytelling makes this novel a standout addition to any bookshelf.

Whether you are fascinated by the history of the American West, drawn to stories of pioneering resilience, or simply enjoy biographies of extraordinary individuals,  Nuff Sed offers a profound and entertaining read. McDowell’s portrayal of Desert Steve’s life is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to overcome adversity and create lasting change.
Click on a cover for more.
This is a sample of four short stories from Markus' two collections. 

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Doctor Markus lives on a yacht and travels. He's overeducated with a serious case of wanderlust. He loves reading, Scotch whisky, and Cuban cigars.
Markus McDowell, PhD
author, editor, ghostwriter