More than ever in history, it has become of the utmost importance for us all to Stand together for America. The changes that many spoke of are now upon us, and we are on the precipice of destruction. No matter how well written our Constitution was, the very things that it was supposed to protect us from are eroding our society, and allowing our government to practically trash everything that was so carefully spelled out. Our basic rights and privileges have been ignored and therefore eroded by the Left, but they have had some help from our foreign adversaries in making this happen...

Our military has always been the finest in the world. They were trained to Stand for our Flag, and Support our Constitution. They knew that they were at the helm of protecting us and our homeland. Recently, the Woke movement has seeped into the top echelons though, and made complying with a sick mindset more important than actually being able to defend our country. Was this by mistake? Not at ALL! Our biggest adversary, China, has used insidious ways to compromise our top officials in order to bring about our ruin. Biggest case? The clown in the White House. We shake our heads as even the Conservative news sources give ownership to Joe Biden for things that happen in our country. Yes, he is compromised and is technically an arm of the CCP, but it is Obama who is using Joe to get his bidding done! By now, if you have tuned in even a few times, you must realize that this is the attempt to wipe America off the map. The New World Order seeks to make us all controllable minions so the Elites of the world have full control!

Does it scare any of you to know that China has bought vast amounts of farmland right around our military installations? It does us! Why was the ever famous balloon allowed to traverse our entire country and transmit its findings back to the mother country before being shot down over the ocean so that no remains could be recovered? I believe we all know why! What about the Democrats firmly denying that they would allow the Illegals to vote in our elections? Did you really believe them? If so, then ask yourselves, why does California automatically register these Illegals to vote when they go to the DMV to get their licenses? Seems a bit of a Big Lie to us! What about California's decision to suddenly build housing for the Homeless? Think there will be an overload of Illegals who are housed there as well? We do! And the worst part of this all? Like all of their other treasonous acts, OUR tax dollars fund ALL of this! Meanwhile our infrastructure is at its worst, leaving us vulnerable to attack. We certainly hope that if Trump gets in, that he does in fact build a dome over us like Israel has! We also hope that as he promised, that a mass deportation of Illegals will take place. No more horrific murders!

We have been warned that these very things would take place. In part, this is why we formed Patriot Parents! I remember as a child, my very political mother and father speaking about Communism and the fact that the plan was to invade our country way back in the 60's! As it is now, not a very popular discussion and often written off as a Conspiracy Theory. I remember seeing in the vast library of books in our basement/den area, one that stuck out at me the most. It was called “The Naked Communist” by Cleon Skousen. I'm not sure why it enticed me, but it did! I obtained a copy of it at one of those book thrift retail stores, and was bowled over as I read through the 45 goals of Communists. A wave of chills washed over me as I recognized many of them as having happened or that were in the midst of happening right now! For example, here are 24 of them that I came upon which should stop you in your tracks, when you realize that they have already happened...or they are in the process of happening. We will paraphrase, for the purpose of keeping this newsletter concise. My comments will follow each of them in parentheses...

1. Total disarmament of the United States to demonstrate moral strength. (Not yet, but they are on their way to doing this.)
2. Provide American aid to all nations. (In order to bankrupt us!)
Promote the U.N. As the only hope for mankind. (Like Biden also wants to give power to the WHO over shutting us down.)
3. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party. (Like by downplaying the Holocaust.)
4. Capture one or both of the Political Parties. (It's already happened!)
5. Use the courts to weaken American institutions saying they have violated Civil Rights. (Think DEI.)
6a. Get control of the schools. (Use them for transmission of propaganda....Done deal!)
6b. Soften the curriculum. (Kids aren't being taught the truth.)
6c. Control the Teacher's Associations. (Already do.)
7. Infiltrate the press. (Another done deal.)
8. Gain control of Radio, TV and Motion Pictures. (Also accomplished!)
Discredit American Culture; eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings and substitute meaningless forms. (All our monuments are being torn down, and have been replaced by statues paying homage to thugs like George Floyd. They’ve also renamed our military bases.)
9a. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity. Call them censorship and violation of Free Speech and Free Press. (Who is censoring who?)
9b. Break down cultural standards of morality. Promote instead Pornography, Obscenity in books and Motion pictures. (We've seen it!)
9c. Present Homosexuality, Degeneracy and Promiscuity as Normal, Natural and Healthy. (They have done this ALL!)
10. Infiltrate the churches and replace Revealed Religion with Social Religion. Discredit the bible and emphasize that Intellectual Maturity doesn't need a religious crutch. (I won't name the false religions, but I think we all know which they are. Anything based on Pomp and Circumstance, would certainly not be of Jesus, who came as a humble servant. This also includes the Christians of Convenience.)
11. Eliminate prayer or any religious expression in schools. Say it violates separation of church and state. (Another done deal, except for Louisiana so far…thank God!)
12. Discredit the American Constitution. Call it inadequate, old fashioned and out of step. (THIS is why Biden dares to do his Unconstitutional deeds via discredit it!)
13. Discredit the Founding Fathers. (Point out that they were slave owners, even though many of our ancestors, even Black ones were!)
14. Belittle all forms of American Culture. Don't teach American History. (A done deal!)
15. Support the Socialist movement (like DEI hiring and making others pay for student debts that they did not incur!)
16. Eliminate all Laws and Procedures that interfere with the Communist Apparatus. (Like has gone on with Trump's indictments.)
17. Infiltrate and gain control of Unions. (Done!)
18. Infiltrate and gain control of Big Business. (Done!)
19a. Transfer some of the power of arrests from the police to social agencies. (They have tried this!)
19b. Treat Behavioral problems as Psychiatric Disorders. (Done!)
19c. Dominate the Psychiatric Profession to use Mental Health goals as a way to control. (Think of all the childhood meds given to combat ADD, ADHD and all other contrived and perceived problems.)
20a. Discredit the Family as an Institution. (Our BIGGEST issue!)
20b. Encourage Promiscuity and Easy Divorce. (One of our favorite topics because it's a HUGE problem!)
21. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the Negative influence of Parents. (If THIS doesn't say it ALL! Think Daycares and Schools are now raising our kids, and some Parents STILL think it's okay.)
22a. Create the impression that Violence and Insurrection (J6 was NOT one), are legitimate aspects of American tradition. (BLM.)
22b. Emphasize that Students and Special Interest groups should rise up to solve Economic, Political or Social problems. (Think ANTIFA...)
23. Repeal the Connally Reservation so the U.S. Can't prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike. (Guess that says it all! They want to take our freedom.)

We need a Great Reset in our country NOW...In our homes as well, because that is where it ALL starts! Like it or not, the kids we raise affect not just us but everyone around us! The above steps are only a few which were written almost 60 years ago, and they are ALL almost done being carried out! If we are to take America Back from the Brink, we have to come together as one, and Prioritize Patriotism. We need to Stand for the Flag, and Kneel before our God. We need to ask forgiveness for all that we have allowed to seep into our country...especially the very Heinous act of Murdering babies! Even if we ourselves have not taken part in this, it has been because of our indifference or just plain laziness that this has been allowed to continue in our country. How can God Bless any Nation who has allowed the slaughter of their own most innocent? Sorry if that is tough to swallow, but it's the Truth! We need to put others before ourselves. We have to put Discontent and Division to the side and take up Decency and Self-Discipline! We can no longer afford to be Distracted by superfluous things, but instead have to Focus on the Important ones: Faith, Family and Freedom...Three foundations on which America was built, and ones that we cannot afford to throw by the wayside! We pray that during this celebration of our country's 248th birthday, and going forward, that we will Unite and Stand Together, so we do not Fall to Communism. God Bless you all, and may God Bless America! ~Your friends at Patriot Parents.

Where Do You Stand?
Now is the time that everyone must take a stand. No weaseling out or opting to remain neutral. The choice is easy. You either stand for Good or for Evil! There has been a deliberate Patriot Purge so you have to ask yourselves, when does this come full circle? 

It's the only way to save our country and secure our future!
The Common Ground to
Dismantle Evil.
While it's an interesting idea that we should all be similar in our beliefs, and agree on everything, we know that this is a Real Rarity. Even in marriages, people may have different views. But there ought to be a lot of things where we should be like-minded! Two of the most important ones are our belief in God as a higher power, and our Love and devotion to and for our country.
Have a great time with your family and celebrate our country's 248th birthday!
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