Plato and Aristotle said: “Tyranny occurs when absolute power is granted to a ruler.” “In a tyrannical government, the ruler becomes corrupt and uses his power to further his own interests instead of working for the common good.” “The rule of law is the principle that no one is exempt from the law, even those who are in a position of power.” Thomas Jefferson said: “When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.” This is what we are living under now.

In reviewing these quotes from decades ago, we can see that what is going on right now is nothing new, but it's in fact dangerous in a different way. When the British ruling class took away the rights of its people, a group of Patriots moved to America to start a new life with a just government. When they were then threatened upon American soil, the people took up arms and fought to retain these God given rights. In today’s America, if we even try to protest, people are locked up and persecuted for doing so. These tyrannical times we are living in, call for rebellion. This is true Marxism, which is nothing we haven’t seen before, but many don’t recognize it for what it is. This is in part, because schools no longer teach history, but also because what we are experiencing now cannot be measured by what has come before. Technology has changed the way in which we live, and how we are both able and unable to defend ourselves. This is a battle of good vs evil, and those of us who understand that, see it for what it is, know what’s ahead, and understand what needs to be done for good to prevail. It is how we manage our Faith and Family that will lead us to maintaining our Freedom here in America.

America has been a land that has built monuments and for various and very special reasons. History has a way of making us want to commemorate it, so that we either remember, or so we never forget. So what would our ancestors think if they saw how after they fought so hard for our freedoms, our government has become so tyrannical and corrupt? What would they expect our reactions to be? Not what they are, we suspect. For example, a couple years back, we all witnessed these important monuments being vandalized, torn down and removed, yet no one stood up to push back. Young people doing this vandalization is in itself proof of how far removed these generations have become when it comes to protecting our freedoms. Heck, even some of the older generations have been hoodwinked into believing all of the ridiculous agendas that have been implemented. If this isn’t true, then how have we gotten to where we are? Let's take a look at how important these historical markers are by reviewing what each one stands for...

*Mount Rushmore: Carved into the face of Mount Rushmore, this national memorial commemorates America's four greatest presidents. It's important that we remember those who were responsible for forming our great country.

*Arlington National Cemetery: America's most hallowed ground is the final resting place for more than 300,000 active duty members of the U.S. Armed forces. We must never forget those who have served and protected us all.

*The Statue of Liberty: This Roman goddess of freedom with her torch held high was one of the first things that many immigrants who entered New York's Ellis Island saw. This is a representation that we are a good country and are open to accepting LEGAL immigrants.

*Gettysburg National Park: During the Battle of Gettysburg, nearly 8,000 soldiers died. This is a tribute to them all and their bravery.

*Vietnam Veterans Memorial: More than 58,000 names are inscribed on this black granite wall. They were all missing in action, or lost in that war. This was constructed to pay respect to them and their sacrifices.

*Independence Hall: It is in this building, where America took shape. The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were both signed here, cementing the birthplace of the United States of America.

*The Lincoln Memorial: A symbol of the Union Lincoln helped defend and preserve during our country's most bloody conflict. It pays tribute to an excellent president, and all he did for America.

*USS Arizona: FDR declared 12/07/41 “a date that will live in infamy,” after the surprise military attack against the naval base at Pearl Harbor. It is the resting place of 1,102 of the 1,177 brave sailors who were killed on the battleship that morning.

*US Marine Corps War Memorial: This memorial depicts many Marines along with Navy servicemen holding up the American flag after the Iwo Jima invasion in 1945. It is a tribute to the strength and endurance of America.

*9/11 Memorial: This is the memorial to the largest loss of civilian life on U.S. Soil. It is located where the Twin Towers once stood. It pays homage to the nearly 3000 souls that were lost. It serves to remind us that we must NEVER forget that evil can exist, even on our own free soil.

So why would we commemorate all the good and bad that has happened in our country? So that generations that come after us understand that a free nation such as ours has been and will always be a target for those who wish to do harm to our sovereignty and freedom. It seems that we are at a crossroads, and need an awakening so that we can come together as one, once again to make sure that we retain those things that have made us the most fabulous nation on earth. We also need to revisit the fact that we were founded as “One Nation Under God.” Something that sadly, we seem to have moved further and further away from. Going forward, let us all become better protectors of our country, our freedoms and each other.

God Bless America.

We The People Are Fed Up!
The United States of America is a country of, by, and for the people. We elect our leaders to run our country. We are the bosses, they are the workers!
Liberty and Justice for ALL!
What we have now is a two-tiered justice system that is obviously skewed toward those on the Left, whose crimes are hidden, and against those of us on the Right, who have been the victims of these very crimes!
Fun Trivia!
How knowledgeable are you about our constitution? This quiz is not easy, but TRY YOUR BEST!
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