As we welcome the month of July along with our 246th Independence Day, there are two major topics that came into focus, after the latest events that have taken place in our beloved country.
Life and
Liberty. We all know that the Biden administration is a train-wreck, and everything they touch turns to ashes. We see that the
border crisis is totally out of control, and getting worse every month while Kamala Harris still tries to "figure out the root cause" of the illegal mass invasion into our country. But has she? Nobody knows. We see that Biden's economy is dragging us into a recession,
while the propaganda peddling press secretary tries to convince us that we have never done so well economically as we are doing now. We know that our current foreign policy is worse than Jimmy Carter's and that everything is in disarray when it comes to the world's state of affairs. And it's all because there is no legitimate, functioning President.
Who would have believed though, that under the most radical left regime to have ever occupied our government, we would see
Roe Vs. Wade OVERTURNED by the Supreme Court? If this is not a signal from God, telling us that he is PRESENT, and taking ACTION, then what is? This is a MONUMENTAL victory to all Life Lovers! So now we will make the case for LIFE! First, let's make one point clear: The Supreme Court simply said that they do not have the power to rule on a woman's constitutional right to abort (aka kill) her baby because it doesn't exist in the constitution! Therefore it is up to the states to make their own policy. That's all there's to it! But as usual, the Left went apoplectic over this, despite the fact that in their own Democrat controlled states, abortion is continuing, business as usual! After this decision,
Maxine Waters ranted "to hell with the supreme court!" We also saw an
assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, after the decision was leaked, because he concurred with it. We witnessed protests in the streets of major cities that then turned violent.
One of these took place at Arizona's State Capitol building. The mob tried to break in, even though those legislators did not participate in this ruling!
An unknown singer renounced his American citizenship during a live concert in the UK, using profanity toward America in the most despicable way. Apparently he doesn’t know that European countries have a lot stricter Abortion laws than we do here. We have to wonder though…will Liz Cheney conduct a similar insurrection investigation for what happened in Arizona? We doubt it, but the bottom line is that LIVES have been liberated! Now let's discuss a woman's "right to choose." We couldn't agree more with this. A woman has the right to her body and she can do with it whatever she chooses, including her sexual preferences, but the red line is drawn, when someone else's rights are infringed upon. That someone is an unborn baby, the most vulnerable of humanity. Does it not have the right to life? Who's going to speak on its behalf, if not we, the people? Again, just to be clear, we are NOT talking about extreme cases where there's a risk to the woman's health. We are here to counter the radical left's position, stating that you can literally kill a baby right up to the minute of birth and even AFTER it's born! This is infanticide! What kind of a society have we become, when we do not value innocent human lives? Inhuman! So we at Patriot Parents are celebrating this victory for LIFE, without any apologies!
The second topic we wanted to address is LIBERTY, because it is being eroded in the most blatant ways possible. Particularly, when we see what the FBI is doing. We believe it should be dismantled altogether so we can start fresh, with integrity and trust being restored in our system of government. Unfortunately, the FBI has become one of the most corrupt government agencies if not THE most! This all started when then candidate Trump, decided to run for president, because he set out to make America great again.
The FBI took it upon itself, to try to prevent Trump from winning, and in doing so, turned his life upside down when he did. This gave birth to all of the horrible persecution that followed, from the Russia hoax, to impeachments, and the latest one, the January 6th debacle. Never before have people gotten arrested in their homes by an FBI squad, for doing absolutely nothing, other than expressing their support for a President. Their homes were raided, and their possessions confiscated, with no charges or warrants. This is not how justice should work in America! Instead, it is KGB style Communism! One of the most recent examples was how the
FBI arrested President Trump's trade and manufacturing director Peter Navarro, as he was boarding a plane! They handcuffed him and put him in leg irons, because the “January 6 committee" held him in contempt.
Former AG Eric Holder was also held in contempt by Congress, under the Obama administration, but was he treated the same? Not at all! Nothing was done to him. Just 4 days ago,
the FBI ambushed John Eastman, a California law professor and former Trump adviser in a parking lot, and seized his smartphone. The warrant they had did not specify what to confiscate, which is illegal. This is an outright attack on our Fourth Amendment, Protecting our right to secure our persons and property.
We must never forget that if we do not stand up and fight for our liberties in America... they will disappear very quickly!Have a very Happy and Safe 4th of July
~ From your friends at Patriot Parents!