Happy New Year!!!
Dear Patriot Parents and Families,

We really hope you had a good holiday season, despite all the restrictions and limitations our government is still trying to impose on us. We hope you can finally see the big lie of scare tactics being perpetuated upon us. This time it's called the "Omicron," which is the letter O in the Greek alphabet. The good news is that this strain is weaker than the average flu, which gives no excuse for the continuation of masking and closures. We begin with the occupant of our White House who predicted a winter of "severe illness and death for the unvaccinated."  Notice the resentment he has for people who dare to question the efficacy and the side effects of these mRNA vaccines, as negative reports have been piling up in untold numbers, but not covered anywhere in the mainstream media. On that note, we invite you to look at our COVID page and see these numbers yourself.  Meanwhile, it seems that people who contracted the Omicron variant are those who are FULLY VACCINATED! How does it make any sense then to keep forcing these vaccine mandates and threatening us with job loss if we don't comply? Sounds like TYRANNY. We are asking all of you to become informed and pass this information on because only when we are all equipped with the truth, will we be able to make an impact. Parents: Your little ones are fine. Please unmask them and let them breath normally. The science clearly shows that they have near zero risk of being impacted by Covid or passing it to others. Children who wear masks for long periods of time, can suffer negative effects on their health. Our government doesn't care about our freedoms, nor does it care about our health and livelihoods. All they want is power over us. Remember what Biden called the winter of 2020? A "Dark Winter." Do you still believe the American people could have elected a president that keeps preaching doom & gloom, rather than lifting up our moral? We don't.
What do you know about the Jan 6 events?
In less than a week, we will mark one year since the January 6 events, a day the media kept drilling into people's minds as the "insurrection day."
This is despite the FBI admitting this was no insurrection by any measure.
CAPITOL PUNISHMENT is a documentary that came out recently, and every American home should be watching it. It's only $9.99 to buy. We are not here to promote anyone, nor do we get any favors in return to what we do. We are here to inform you of the truth. You'll be shocked after you learn what really happened, and how the FBI plotted against our people.

January 6th Political Prisoners Family Fundraiser
Especially after watching the above movie, we should realize that there has been a terrible injustice done to the January 6 prisoners and their families. They have been detained for a whole year now with no end in sight, no communication with their families, and they are being treated worse than the Al Qaida terrorists who plotted 9/11. We still have a constitution and due process in this country and they should be followed. At the very least, they should have a trial immediately, with a fair jury, defense lawyers and all the rest. It's almost as if our government doesn't want to go through this process because it might expose something very shady about them! If this is not remediated, think what else they can do to us in the future. We're already seeing a glimpse of it with Vaccine Passports!
DEC 31, 2021
Acquiescing to Appease is Anti-American!
Americans are some of the most accommodating people on the face of the earth. After traveling the world, we can vouch for this. But along with this wonderful attitude of being accepting, kind and good, come some major pitfalls. We are experiencing one of those right now. Our country is being systematically changed right before our eyes, and not for the better...
So what are your plans for the New Year's Resolutions?
May God bless you all, and
May God bless America.

Patriotically Yours,

The Patriot Parents Team.
(305) 707-7983