A New Year of Integrity
Integrity is defined as being “the quality of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.” This definition goes on to say that “integrity can stand in opposition to hypocrisy.” This word evolved from the adjective integer which means whole or complete. Wholeness comes from having the qualities of honesty and the consistency of character. Honesty and character are two virtues that are rarely seen these days. But did you notice that integer is an adjective and integrity a noun? Well, maybe integrity should also be a verb, because the other words that accompany it are incorruptibility...soundness...and completeness which to us are practicable actions. Notice how absent these principles have become lately though, and hence why we’ve chosen this topic, to begin the new year with. We believe that the reason for many of our problems as a country comes from integrity no longer being embraced…because society as a whole, no longer seems to value it. Cases in point: Our government, both local and nationwide. Our families, including marriages and raising our children. Our churches, some who refrain from teaching us real truths. These are the three most important areas in which integrity should grow and flourish, and yet it doesn't seem to anymore. So why is this so, and how do we change it?

First in our government, voting out the illegitimate Marxists was a good move. Getting rid of those who hate America and replacing them with America First Patriots was a necessary action. The biggest component of this will be President Trump's ability to discern who are truly incorruptible and who are not. Local government is none-the-less important. In our beautiful Red state, we have people who presented as America First candidates, but then showed themselves to be otherwise after being elected. There are far too many who are willing to sell out their integrity, (if in fact they ever had any) to get positions within the Republican party. Whether these are paid, or unpaid, they are so caught up with the desire to be important, that they sell their souls to get their needs met rather than those of the people they are supposed to be serving. We recently witnessed a board who turned immediately from their America First platform to a “Me First” one instead. They expected their body to follow the rules, when they made a mockery of them, themselves. Some didn't even bother to learn the rules! They kept the funds hidden, and their usage unable to be voted on, which only made them look shadier, and then made everyone get excused absences from missed meetings, while they only showed up for half of them themselves. They declared war on other Republican clubs, taking it to the lengths of banning members from attending and voting on a new board if they dared to be past members of these clubs. The new board that was installed used the word “Integrity” as its moniker, yet seems to have none, because if they did, they would have wanted a fair election that included everyone’s votes. And there are too many naive souls who desperately need to fit in, that believe that these people will consider their concerns, like election integrity, even after they witnessed them violate their fellow members rights by keeping them from voting. Their hypocrisy was blatant, as they banned those who were vocal, while allowing others who were in this same other club to retain their membership and votes, because they are volunteers at their own offices! And this did not just happen in one county, but was STATE WIDE! This is why it is so important that people with integrity push back, so it never happens again.

Regarding our families, while President Trump can literally change what is happening in the world, he cannot make our societal values different, because that must begin at home. Until we all decide that we will push back on all of the obstacles that have deliberately been put in our way in order to demolish the family unit, it will continue to erode and disintegrate. You see, Satan knows that family is an integral part of making our society strong and decent, so He has done everything He can, to ruin it, like placing dirty politicians in office who allow fentanyl and illegals in to kill us…literally! Add to that the ways He has broken up families through alternative lifestyles, exploiting pornography and encouraging divorce by making it seem like a good solution. Americans must develop strength to stand against these intrusions and work hard to promote all that is right about the family, or we will never be able to reverse the damage that’s been done. Through our own permissiveness, these attacks on our families will continue. If we support the legalization of marijuana, because we believe the “experts” when they deem it to be harmless, then we will find out the hard way, that consuming it, especially at young ages, can bring on mental illness and psychosis that not only changes the chemistry of brains forever, but also may lead to harder drugs. Sexual exploitation of children is another danger that pushes them into confusion and addiction, and causes disruptions in our families. Shaming parents into believing that if they don't let their children choose their own sex is another manipulation they use. If parents cave to this, we will never be effective in directing our kids, so this is why we must insist that those we trust them with, are people with integrity.

This month, we will be swearing in a president who has proven to have integrity. Like all of us, he is an imperfect human being, but he has shown us who he is by doing what he says he will. Even early on in his life, he put his money where his mouth was. Just recently he has done that again by raising 8 million dollars for the hurricane victims who are still trying to build back their lives. When our own government turns their back on them but sends several billion more to Ukraine on their way out the door, Trump, who hasn’t even been sworn in yet, heads up the plan to get them the help they need. Now THAT is a person of integrity! As much as he deserves our respect and praise, please be advised, that we do not believe for a minute that this transition back to his presidency will be smooth…in fact, it seems too easy and calm right now for our liking. We hope that we are wrong, but ask yourselves: Why would people who wrongly jailed and abused J6ers and made several attempts on Trump’s life, suddenly back down and let him just slide back in? Something may be in the works, so just be cautious and be on your toes, ready to go in case they try something. Like COVID, we feel like those drones were a trial run for a bigger plan…but we just don’t know what that is right now. This is not meant to scare you fellow Patriots, but to inform you of the possibilities that could be ahead.

Finally, our society desperately needs God. There needs to be a new Jesus Revolution of sorts, where we as sinners finally realize that without God in our lives, we are nothing! We must develop our wisdom, so we will not be misled. Even in choosing our churches, we must be wise. Too many are taken by religion over faith. Our belief in God should be simple in that we accept Him into our lives and confess our sins directly to Him. We do not need any mediators between us and our Father in heaven, because it's supposed to be a personal faith. Our society has skewed a direct faith between us and Him by using so many rituals and titles to confuse us. This is not to knock different religions, but to make it clear that what it says in the bible is correct and true. We are to come to the Father to confess our sins. The Unitarian Church for example is one that we believe is not one of God, but of Man. This “church” accepts all lifestyles and encourages sin through embracing these. Under the guise of being “accepting,” the buzz word of these days, it has in our estimation led more people off the pathway to Heaven and instead onto the path to Hell! Until our Pastors start to teach this truth, that the way we come to the Father is only through His Son, and not through works or or rituals, we will only continue to be unsure, and this is exactly what Satan wants! Chaos and Confusion rather than Peace and Prayer. God's people need to remember that Earthly treasures will never outweigh Eternal life, but if you look around, you will see how many don’t understand this. It’s important that we educate those who don’t get it so they won’t fall prey to these false religions.

As we were viewing the definition of integrity, we also discovered the synonyms, or similar words for it. They are words like: morality, virtue, honesty, goodness and character. Every other word that mirrors this one, is a positive one, so out of curiosity, we sought out the antonyms, or opposite ones. They were words like: evil, immorality, wickedness, badness, degradation, sin, villainy and impropriety. Now look at the society around you, and tell us...which do you see as the more prevalent? Integrity, or Immorality? We believe that you would agree that it is the latter. There is rampant hypocrisy all around us, and as we said in the beginning, only integrity can wipe out this negative quality. While integrity will lead us to be whole and complete, hypocrisy only pushes us into being empty and discontent. So as we stated earlier, President Trump will have his hands full righting all the wrongs of the corrupt government that was in place, so only we can redirect ourselves by taking to heart the concept of integrity and putting it to work. In our local government. In our homes with spouses and our children. And in our churches, by recommitting our lives to God, and then leading others around us to do the same. So in this coming new year, let's all get onboard with transforming our country by becoming people of integrity in every walk of our lives…Happy New Year!

It is that inner voice that tells you to stand up for someone or something when others around you won't.
One of the things that we are lacking in our country right now is a sense of commitment to things like honesty, reliability, truthfulness and sincerity. So why, when this word seems to have been the backbone of the founding of our country, is it not anymore?
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