| Biblical Times: Between Heaven & Hell | |
Dear American Patriots: | | We are literally living through Biblical times. The times our ancestors spoke of and taught us about are HERE. Believers knew that they would come at some point and God chose us to be the generations to experience them. We are being tested as we speak. For example…Compare this Holiday Season to the one of say 20 years ago. Can you see the difference? Which of the two seasons do you think was better…Happier, with more contentment, and less worry about the future? Is it 2023 or 2003? We believe that anyone would choose the latter. If you agree then you are not alone. We feel that the vast majority of the American people feel this way. In 2003 everything in our lives was a lot better compared to today. America was more united, more decent, and definitely more free. Politics weren't the primary issue. It didn't matter if you were a Republican or a Democrat; Conservative or Liberal. We all knew how to tell good from bad, and right from wrong, and we were all united around our flag. Back during the Holiday Season of 2003, stores were festive, with excitement and joy in the air, and people smiled as they bustled along. Did you see any of that happening this year? Why not? Let’s look further at this…
If you were to go back in a time machine to 2003 and told people that men would be allowed to compete in women's sports, walk into and use women's bathrooms, and be able to get pregnant., or if you tried to explain to people about pronouns, including being non-binary or any of the other 70 genders, or that our kids would be forced to learn about them in school, they would be in disbelief! If you told parents that their minor children would have the right to go through a sex change operation without their knowledge or permission, or that they (the parents) could be deemed criminals if they tried to resist, they would be shocked! If you told them that people could steal merchandise from stores in broad daylight with no recourse, they would certainly doubt you. They would think you were nuts, and yet all of that is exactly what is happening in our society. What used to be good is now considered bad, and what is bad is being pushed as the new good. And while none of this makes sense to us, there are some who have actually bought into it! Those who planned this demise of America did a pretty good job, because right now, our society seems to be broken into many tiny pieces. Our youth are brainwashed and depressed, the family unit has been shattered, love for our country is all but gone, and frankly, right now, there is nothing in the future to look forward to. But everyone asks themselves, WHEN did this all start…and HOW?
As we have pointed out before, we feel it started with Obama. Some believe that Obama was elected because America was in a prolonged war in Iraq, and that the mortgage crisis was to blame. There may be some truth to this, but mostly, people wanted a change. In our opinion though, Obama was elected primarily for ONE reason and one reason only…He was black. That's it! This is not meant to offend our black Patriot subscribers. In fact, we feel that they would agree! The point here is to show that this is the first time America elected a president based on his color of skin and NOT the content of his character, completely trashing what Martin Luther King taught us. Somehow we felt that we had to show the world that WE were not a racist country as many "scholars” out there claimed for the longest time. Instead of pushing back, we gave in to their false narrative in order to appease them. Barack Obama was LOADED with hate and resentment for our country, and it was plain to see to those who were watching. No American citizen in his right mind would have voted for him and his agenda, to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM our nation, if he had been white, but because of his skin color, a lot was overlooked! After his evil agenda was implemented though, our country deteriorated quickly. Obama ignited racism, despite his winning the presidency because of the whites who voted for him, and continues to do this today. He started on his apology tour, badmouthing America all over the world, and we were just expected to sit with our heads down and take it. You see, he wanted to send the message that it's not fair that we are so prosperous, while so many around the world suffer, so in order to balance this out, we should start sharing that pain and suffering, and those countries should get more of our tax dollars. That was his doctrine, and the media told us that this was the best thing that ever happened to us. Obama single handedly ignited the Middle East with his "Arab spring" speech and couldn't hide his hatred for our best ally, Israel. Obama is a Jew hater. For proof, just look at who he surrounded himself with, and who mentored him.
In 2016, God intervened and sent us President Trump. Everyone laughed at him, despite having loved him before he made his announcement to run. The media were sharing jokes about him…saying that he was a clown, that he will never be president. They gave him 7% against Hillary's 93% chance of winning, but Trump put himself out there, with a fully spelled out plan. His agenda was one that every decent American would sign up for in a heartbeat, and he was unapologetic about it! That “7%” won…against all odds. But what happened then? The country, or should we say, the Deep State, went CRAZY! The media, Hollywood, the Washington DC establishment, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, all went ahead with implementing Peter Strzok's insurance policy that Trump would be neutralized if he won. Meanwhile, many of us ordinary patriotic American citizens couldn't have been happier under his leadership! We finally had a President who put OUR interests FIRST, and not compromise on them against the rest of the world. It was quite stunning to watch how the cliques and cabals were being exposed one after the other, because Trump was a threat to their power. In his first term, Trump made America a lot stronger, more optimistic, and even wealthier. He was the only president of our lifetime that did things right, even in the face of the Washington DC swamp! He cut our taxes, got rid of job-killing regulations, unleashed the entrepreneurs, recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel…a resolution that the US Senate overwhelmingly voted for for decades…and also something that no president except him had the guts to implement. Trump called out the obvious problem we have at our southern border, but of course the radicals fought him tooth and nail. All of you must know by now how evil they are...not just towards Trump, but against ALL of US. Trump brought Russia and Iran to their knees, by making us energy independent and selling U.S. oil. He made historic peace agreements that no one could believe were possible before. He was a president of peace through strength, and brought us endless prosperity.
Unfortunately, too many Americans didn’t believe that the 2020 elections were stolen. They fell into the media's lies. The deep state managed to take advantage of our innocence or ignorance, in order to convince us that an old man, who can barely put two sentences together, had ZERO enthusiasm about him, and was hidden in a basement the entire election season got an unprecedented 81M votes, the highest by far, that any presidential candidate ever got in history! The situation we live in today is a direct result of weakness and the inability to see what was coming. Now the whole world is in total chaos. As we write this, we have the highest number of conflicts between nations. Because of an irrational radical left ideology, we have stopped producing oil here, and have instead started begging third world countries for it. We have made Russia and Iran rich again, which has resulted in them forming dangerous alliances with China and North Korea. Evil is raising its ugly head in ways that haven’t been seen in decades. We have a war between Russia and Ukraine for no particular reason…One that WE have poured hundreds of Billions of our money into, that is unaccounted for, by the way. Our ally, Israel, is fighting for their existence, in their own land, against the barbaric savage terrorists of Hamas-ISIS, and the Iranian proxy of Hezbollah in Lebanon. We have radical Islam raising its ugly head almost everywhere in the world. The UK, France, Spain, Germany, Netherlands and Italy, are now unrecognizable. We have an alarming number of Pro-Palestinians, (foreign terror supporters and anti-American fanatics) in our own country as well, and we all know how they got here and who let them in. This, together with our destroyed youth, who are supposed to be our next generation, makes a perfect storm for the overthrow of our country. Illegals crossing our borders are breaking records every day, and no one in this treasonous Biden administration seems to want to stop it. Ever since this regime stole the election and took charge, over EIGHT MILLION migrants have invaded our country! Unlike what they tell you, these are not persecuted families from South America. Many of them are single, young, military age males, from third world countries! They did not escape horrible situations to seek refuge, but came here to be a part of the takeover. This is all intentional and by design! Those who said that America could be only destroyed from within, were 100% right! They are trying to change our demographics, so the ruling class can secure their spot permanently! No sane country on earth would have agreed to this. The elitists in Washington DC don't care if America becomes a third world country in the process, in fact they welcome that…as long as it keeps them in power!
We believe that now is the time that God wants us to decide which path we will choose. Will it be the path of Good or of Evil? Will we choose President Trump, or the O'Bidens? Will we choose the path of strength, prosperity and decency, or the one of weakness, poverty, and lawlessness? Will we choose the path of faith, family, and freedom, or the one of hopelessness, loneliness, and oppression? THIS is the time for us all to show GOD that we are with Him 100%! This is the time to show the world that we CAN and WILL rise above the abyss of craziness and Make America Great Again! In fact, doing so will also make the whole world a better place! THIS failure of America, is what is behind the despair that so many feel right now. We have GOT to make sure that we change that NOW! We must make our elections fair and secure again. We have to step up and work at the polls, we must show the deep state tyrants that they are not getting away with the theft of another election. Make no mistake… they WILL try it again! Who knows what they will do to delay or cancel the elections…perhaps, even start a war! They are capable of doing anything, as we have already seen, but WE need to be much stronger than what we are now. We need to bring President Trump back to the White House, take all the traitors and radicals out, and restore our beautiful and FREE country! This IS a matter of Good vs Evil, and God is calling on us all to choose which side we will be on. We are indeed in Biblical times so let’s keep our eyes focused on truth, our minds focused on solutions and our hearts committed to God!
We hope that the 2024 holiday season will bring us a great reason to celebrate, because Trump is the President Elect again. We pray for God's help and forgiveness, and vow that we will be His messengers and soldiers in this fight for America! May God bless you all, and may He give us the strength we need, and guide us to the other side of this fight safely! |
| | Dawn of Destruction | As 2024 begins, we have all been warned that it will be a tumultuous year. Unfortunately, there are still people who do NOT want to hear what is happening or may be coming soon. | |
| | It's Now or Never! | Now that we are into 2024...an election year, there is some good news on the horizon! There are those among us who we refer to as Never Trumpers, who are turning over a new leaf regarding him, and that is HUGE!
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