Where is America's Heart?
Dear Patriotic Subscribers:

How do you ruin the #1 superpower and the freest nation on the planet? President Reagan rightfully told us: Only from within! Today we are bearing the consequences of the decades-long plot by the Left. They started early on, when no one was suspecting a thing. They slowly but surely took over the media, got radicals into the education system, teacher’s unions and school boards alike, packed courts with seemingly fair judges who almost always sided with them. They wooed parents into leaving their kids in their hands, thus breaking up families faster and more efficiently, as they indoctrinated the next generation of Americans into being  soft, complacent sheep, then dragged them into the abyss, with Critical Race Theory, Gender Identity, child grooming, and hate for our country. Now, WE are reaping what THEY sow! We as parents can’t stop asking ourselves, how does a teenage girl or boy who has their whole life ahead of them, spontaneously join a violent Antifa riot, for absolutely no reason, getting in trouble with the law, and disrupting the public order? Why would they do that, instead of building their future and pursuing their dreams and a profession that fulfills them? It doesn’t add up! These kids seem hopeless and you may wonder why. This usually comes about when families are broken. What we ask is: WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS in this equation? If we go just twenty years back in time, all of the havoc we see today did not exist whatsoever! This is because back then, more PARENTS were together and present in their kids' lives!

As if the situation of our youth isn’t bad enough, now the Left has taken that same evil agenda to Washington DC. Like they’ve done with our families, they are seeking to transform our country to ready us for the Great Reset! Right now, there is not a single 3-letter government institution that hasn’t been corrupted. The FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, IRS, NIH, CDC, DHS…Every one of them has betrayed their oath of duty, as they’ve become politically weaponized! And at the helm of the ship, we have a compromised Resident in our White House, who was SELECTED, NOT ELECTED, by a corrupt Deep State and their Mail-in-Ballot scam. We would guess that like us, you have zero faith in our election system at the moment. We are on the brink of war, whether it be with the Soviets, as we continue to aid Ukraine, or China, who is watching our decline, or with violent invaders and the cartels aiding them, who are flooding our country by the millions. And all of this is BY DESIGN, because of a few elites at the top who are leading this destruction!

So where do we go from here? The first and most important thing we can do is to BRING GOD BACK INTO OUR HOMES! We need to make Him the head of our homes and pray, pray, pray! If we step back and look, we’d realize that America started deteriorating ever since our government decided to yank God out of our culture at all levels. This is where we end up when we allow them to do that! We must also TAKE HOLD OF OUR FAMILIES. We cannot trust others to raise them and we must be diligent in seeking schools that are there to truly teach real subjects, not CRT or Queer Theories! We give OUR money to these institutions so they EDUCATE…NOT INDOCTRINATE! We also have to be careful with our finances. Being debt free is an important part of freedom! It gives us power when we are not beholden to others, like banks. We must also be aware of who we give our money to. It is important that we divest ourselves from buying anything made in China, including Tik Tok! We should boycott corporate giants who uphold the Woke agenda and instead, give our money to small local businesses who still believe in America. We also need to push back against the Deep State who is using OUR tax dollars to support Ukraine, when our own country is suffering, and is leading us into WWIII, AGAINST OUR WILL!!!

If we don’t push back against  all of what is going on, we will find ourselves in reprogramming camps meant to force us into being in lock step with the New World Order! Think that’s an extreme notion? Well so did the people in Germany and all of the Jews who were exterminated! There is an agenda being played out, and the more we give in to it, the faster our rights will disappear. Do not be swayed to accept lifestyles that you know are wrong. While we are not advocating any violence against such, we would hope that as Patriots, we speak up! We also need to use our finances to push back against tyranny! DO NOT support ANY Woke businesses no matter WHAT they offer! We have a plethora of information on our website to aid you in doing all the above. We have a Resources page that includes a Patriot's Library, with lots of excellent reading material, and a NEW Movies and Documentaries section, where you can find fantastic films to watch. We have a Call to Action page where you can sign petitions, join movements to make your voices heard, or donate to great causes! There is also a page filled with Woke companies to Boycott, and Conservative ones to Patronize! We also invite you to visit our NEW Save Our Kids page, where we will be alerting you to what is being plotted against our children. We continually add to our Truth Tellers page, as we find it important to inform you of the true Patriots among us who are fighting to make a difference in our country today. Our goal here at Patriots Parents, is to help to make you, our subscribers and followers aware of what is going on in our country both good and bad, and we are counting on you all to spread the word and come together as a force of good for America’s future and our children’s as well!

The Audacity of Authenticity
Ever wonder why our 45th President was so Loved by the Right and so Hated by the Left?
Normalizing the Abnormal
Have we gone too far, or are we too far gone?
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(No, it's not photoshopped. Click the picture to see it on CNN's website)
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To all of our beloved readers and Patriotic American Families!