A November to Remember
Dear Patriotic Subscribers:
Before we enter our favorite Holiday Season, we have a historical task at hand to accomplish, and there is no room for errors. We have a Midterm election on NOVEMBER 8, 2022 and this may very well be our LAST CHANCE to rescue our America from an evil, out of touch, and frankly, out of control, political radical left.

It all started in the last election, which was in our opinion,the biggest crime our country has ever endured! During that election season, the enthusiasm for President Trump was like no other for any US president in history! There were parades of all sorts, including those with cars, trucks and boats! People marched in the streets cheering, waving flags, and wearing hats and shirts of all kinds! There were people standing outside of Trump rallies because the stadiums were so full! Meanwhile, Joe Biden couldn't even fill the 8 covid-spaced circles around him on the very few times he was out campaigning. And yet, the media and the Deep State want YOU to believe that this demented mumbling gaff-filled basement dwelling buffoon really won the election with an unprecedented 81 million votes (15 million more than Obama), but President Trump, who got 74 million votes (13 million more than what he won in 2016)...lost.
So here is the question for today: Are we seeing all the lies we are being fed every day, or are we still sheep in a herd who are being marched to the slaughterhouse? As the intelligent Patriots that you are, we want to believe that everyone is wide awake by now!

The mainstream media in our country has long ago ditched the sacred duty of journalism, and adopted the doctrine of LIES, DECEPTION and DISTORTION of the truth, in order to shape and influence public opinion to the desires of their direct boss - The Democrat party. The examples are numerous, and here are a few…

1.) For over 4 long years, the Democrat party and the media told us that Trump was a puppet for Putin, a Russian agent, and that Putin helped him win the 2016 election. Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and the FBI... MADE IT ALL UP! Everything they said turned out to be absolute garbage, and they all knew it of course! Has anyone apologized for that? Were there any consequences or accountability? NOPE. ZERO. We had to endure what they planned for us…Chaos and Division, so then they could tie it to Trump and portray him as a traitor. Many Americans still believe this lie even today. Meanwhile, the real Traitors to America were left to roam free to implement illegal mandates and executive orders on us! This two-tiered justice system cannot be allowed to continue!
2.) When radical leftists started tearing down historical statues,Trump said that there are good people on both sides of the argument. While this is true, the media took that and turned it into another false story, claiming that Trump called white supremacist Nazis "good people." This is one of the most blatant distortions they were able to inject into the public’s mind! Their ability to turn people’s words against them is astounding! While it was infuriating to watch them tear apart our physical world, it is even more so seeing them rip up the moral fiber of our country. The upheaval we have endured is unthinkable as are the attacks on our kids, and will take many years to heal, if we are even able to.
3.) Remember how Minneapolis was burning in 9 foot flames, following the death of George Floyd?A CNN reporter was at that live scene and called it a "peaceful protest." This was anything but, and was proven to be just another double standard as we saw, when the J6 protest was of course presented as an insurrection and compared to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor! To this day, hundreds of innocent Americans have had their lives ruined and turned upside down so that the Left can set up a narrative against anyone who dares to support Trump!
4.) The STAGED story of Jussie Smollett: After non-stop media coverage, salivating at the fake allegation that “MAGA people” attacked an “innocent gay black man,” everything was proven as false. Even after Smollett was convicted in court, the media STILL defended him, and having a double sided justice system, he was able to escape his punishment! How is that not PROOF of our two-tiered system of justice? And the plot thickens, as Nancy Pelosi’s husband is attacked by a supposed intruder, who Joe Biden rushed to tie to MAGA supporters. Maybe these questions should be asked: How did he get into their fortress? Who was the third party person who called the police? Why isn’t Nancy turning over the surveillance videos to law enforcement? The latest revelations about David Depape tell a whole different story!
5.) Revisiting the 2020 elections: What country in this world conducts elections via mail, with ballot drop-boxes sitting out in public streets with no supervision? What country REFUSES to check people's identity and citizenship at polling places, but allows early voting as much as 46 days in advance, last-minute "provisional ballots,” and turns a blind eye on illegal and dead people casting votes? What country can't produce the election results within 24 hours? OURS! And this is all happening again! We are being told that they will not let us know who is in the lead, and the results may take several WEEKS! Is this really the United States of America, or a third world Banana Republic? We think the latter…
6.) We are told that 2020 was the "most secure election EVER" and that we shouldn’t DARE to question the integrity of it, or else we would be labeled Q-Anon conspiracy theorists, and subjected to a home visit by an FBI swat team! Over 75 million of us were called "MAGA fascists" and a "Danger to Democracy." All of this is coming from the very people who oversaw the election as it was being stolen, which effectively rendered elections and hence our citizenship MEANINGLESS! Now tell us, WHO is the REAL threat to our Democratic process? Worse yet, WHY are we still using these machines?
7.) Many voters said that had they known about Hunter Biden's laptop and what was in it, they would NOT have voted for Biden. The media refused to cover it, and the FBI was propping it up as "Russian disinformation." Did you notice how many times we have already mentioned the FBI being involved in all this? Should we still be trusting them as an impartial law enforcement agency? We think not! If that doesn’t raise your eyebrow, then what about a sitting Congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Green being swatted 6 times now? Still think that the FBI isn’t the brown shirts for the Left???
8.) Our southern border has been deliberately opened under the Biden regime. 5.5 MILLION illegal migrants from 180 different countries (including known terrorists that are on the FBI's watch-list), invaded our country without any regard to our laws and sovereignty, but the so-called DHS secretary Alejandro Myorkas claims with a straight face, in front of the cameras, that our border is secure.Those third world illegals are being flown, bussed and dispersed all over the country, and are being housed in hotels, given free food, healthcare, and even cellphones…all on our dime. At the same time, our people are paying record high prices for everything! No questioning or criticism from our complicit media. And God forbid you drop them in the hoity toity areas that supposedly vouch for them, like Martha's Vineyard! DeSantis did, and it took only 24 hours for those leftist hypocrites to get them out of their neighborhood!
9.) The Biden regime first told us that the rampant inflation was "transitory." Then it was Putin's fault (the "Putin Price Hike" they called it). Then when it broke a 41 year record at 8.3% and gas prices soared through the roof, they came up with the "Inflation Reduction Act." The fake media celebrated this as a HISTORIC BILL, as if it deserved a Nobel peace prize! Too bad that nothing in this bill had anything to do with tackling the inflation because that was never the purpose behind it! As such, inflation is still skyrocketing! It was just another money laundering scheme, where Democrats paid kickbacks to those who donated to them, and fleece us like they’ve done with the 33 BILLION of OUR tax dollars that they sent to Ukraine, with $8.8 Billion to "combat disinformation!" …all of that with NO accountability!
10.) Have you seen the debates between Dr. Oz and John Fetterman, competing for a Senate seat in the battleground state of Pennsylvania? The radical left wants YOU to believe that a man who never had a job in his life, lived off his parent’s money until the age of FIFTY, wants to import as many illegals and release as many dangerous murderers from prisons as possible into our streets, and has a serious brain injury, is much better fit to serve as a US Senator, than a dignified, successful, self-made man like Dr. Oz. Absurd, right? But then look at who was let into the White House???
11.) In New York, it was mind boggling to watch the debate between the current (unelected) radical governor Kathy Hochul and her Republican challenger Lee Zeldin. When asked about crime, she turned to Zeldin and said: ”I don’t Know why that’s so important to you,” TOTALLY being tone deaf and disengaged from the reality in her state! Apparently, she did not receive the memo that crime in New York is at an all-time-high!
12.) In the Michigan gubernatorial race, radical governor Gretchen Whitmer claimed that she closed Michigan schools for only for 3 months, when everyone knows that schools AND businesses were forced to stay closed under her direction for the entire YEAR. Meanwhile, she did not spare her own pleasure of vacationing in the open state of Florida, or her husband’s desire to take out the boat, while leaving her citizenry locked down behind! This is what dictators do and she is just another one of them!
13.) In Arizona, Democrat candidate Katie Hobbs refused to even debate our favorite candidate Kari Lake, and does not understand why we are so concerned about the open border, dismissing it as a non-issue! You see, the drug cartels, child trafficking, fentanyl pouring into the country is nothing we should be concerned about! And not ONE question from the media about this. Meanwhile, Kari is constantly bombarded with question after question from the lying propagandists in the so-called news outlets!
14.) In Florida, Charlie Crist was bashing the fabulous governor Ron DeSantis, calling him "the shutdown guy," despite praising him earlier on his handling of the Covid pandemic. Imagine that! The one who represents the shutdown party, is criticizing the one who was at the forefront of keeping his state open and taking a lot of heat for it. The lies and absurdities know no limits! Hopefully though, this just makes more people want another term of DeSantis as we continue to see the proof of what a great Governor he is! He’s made good on his word to protect our children, and who else could get a bridge to Sanibel Island re-built in record time?
15.) Lastly, we do have a bit of hopefulness in Elon Musk buying Twitter! He immediately fired the two immigrants in charge, who came to America to enjoy our freedoms, and then went on to shut down President Trump's account, censor our free speech, and ensure that Twitter became another arm of our Communist regime! Yet another example of people selling out the very country they claim to love! We hope that Musk turns things around, and reinstates all of the accounts that were wrongfully suspended. After all, which is more of a detriment to our society…those wishing to express their views on the issues we're facing, or those who run porn sites on Twitter?

It’s really hard to determine whether Democrats all over our country hold such extreme views because they have climbed up the tree of radicalism so high that if they come back down, they'll guarantee their loss OR because this is what they really believe in! Whatever the case may be, we should NEVER LET ANY OF THEM HOLD ANY POSITION OF POWER. THEY are the real danger to our freedoms. THEY are the real threat to our well being. THEY are the ones who are tearing down, dividing, and brainwashing our society with Critical Race Theory and Gender Identity, thus poisoning the minds of our innocent kids. They want you to keep voting for them unless you want to be accused of belonging to the MAGA fascist cult! Well guess what? On November 8th, we are ALL going to be “those people” who vote these maniacs out of office, and elect good common sense people who want to make America a Great country again! It is time that we insist that our leaders put us back on the right track where America can be self-sufficient and self-sustaining as a country! We WILL make America Great again!

So many of our candidates are ordinary people who have stepped up to the plate and said "I have to do something to save our country from this madness!" Come to think of it, each one of them is a true blessing and their victories are ones we will hopefully celebrate this Thanksgiving. We have a lot to look forward to, and the fight has only just begun. But we can only win it if we are all well informed, rather than poorly informed! Question EVERYTHING the media tells you, because it has gotten so bad that we can’t remember the last time they came out with an honest-to-goodness true story. We are thankful for all of you, and together, we will win for America, and make this a November to Remember!


May God bless you all this Holiday season…
And may God bless the United States of America!

We have reserached all the candidates for you! Visit our following links and see our highest recommnedations!

Count your blessings!
Too often we find ourselves grumbling and complaining about what goes on in our lives. We think we are owed everything, and if we feel that we have fallen short of receiving what we “deserve,” then ungratefulness sets in, and this is not a healthy mindset whatsoever. It should not be allowed to fester.
Feasting on Fallacies
It is human nature to be drawn to things that look exciting, but aren't necessarily the truth. Whether it's a hot piece of gossip or a fake tidbit of news, it seems that too many thrive on false narratives. Unfortunately, while many are onlookers, very few take a stand until it directly affects them. But what happens when the world as we know it turns upside down, and we ALL become the victims?
Truth Social
Wishing everyone
a Happy and Joyful