The Rainbow Cult
When speaking with those around us, about recent world events, so many times, we hear people say that they do not know this America in which we live today. They feel that the insanity has just gone too far. They go on to state that they want to fight hard against these harmful changes that they've witnessed, because they don’t wish to leave this problem to their children or grandchildren. They want the America that WAS...not the one that IS. While that is understandable, after pondering this thought, we have come to realize that they are assuming that the generations that follow want the same things that they do, but in fact, many do NOT! Instead of foisting OUR will upon the younger generation, we need to come to the point of understanding that this is NOT our country is THEIRS! We can no longer ASSUME that our kids and grandkids WANT to live in the same America that WE do, but we can surely help them to understand WHY it is important to keep it free (literally) from the alternative, which is Communism…

Because some of us have only fond memories of what America WAS, does not mean that the next generations feel the same. In fact, too many of them don't! No matter how you brought them up, or the “good job” that you did in raising them, there have been WAY too many bad influences that have honestly changed their ways of thinking. It's called Indoctrination. Many parents still don’t understand this, saying “but our home was a good one,” or “everything was in place,” or “we made all the necessary sacrifices for them.” And while this is all fine and good, they refuse to see the proof all around them telling them the truth of what most of our youth REALLY believe! Case in point: This was the generation that was raised to think that nothing is fair, but it should be! If Johnny has it, so should you. Put aside the fact that Johnny worked harder, or studied harder, you too DESERVE what Johnny got! Remember Everyone gets a Trophy??? Well it is alive and well!

Now we will state the proof that what we say is true...

1. Student loan forgiveness. WHY would ANYONE think it's okay, to incur debt, and then think that OTHERS should have to pay for it? Because it's NOT's a transfer of it to the rest of us! Who paid for OUR schooling??? WE DID! Would they like to pay off our homes or vehicles? NO, but they feel we OWE it to them!

2. Disrespect for the generations before them…Specifically their parents. The schools have convinced them that those who raised them are “Toxic,” and they have run with it…except of course, if they need financial help. Younger generations have been convinced that life long traditions and values can and should be easily replaced. Thanksgiving becomes “Friendsgiving.” They don't understand that this is part of the goal to erase the nuclear family, which is the pillar of a strong society.

3. The sham of Transgenderism. This has come under the umbrellas of “fitting in,” and being “kind and accepting.” The Left has convinced our kids that to fit in, they have to change themselves…Drastically! They have then told those around them that if they don't accept and support the other kid's delusions, then it is THEY who are the problem! Look at how dangerous that is for a country. If they are so easily led, how quickly do you think they will be convinced into becoming (and some already have) the new Brown Shirts like those under Hitler?

4. Protesting against anything and everything. Unfortunately, too many of these kids don't even understand what they are against, but either the need to fit in, or the money from organizers (think George Soros) ushers them into taking part in these events. Be it BLM, Antifa or now the Pro Palestine, Pro Hamas (Anti-Israel) groups, they have all begun to believe in and support things they know very little, if anything about! It’s because these kids were never taught true history in school.

5. Embracing their “Anxieties.” Some of these kids have been medicated their whole lives and continue to feel the need to be. They’re easily convinced of this, because they have low levels of tolerance in being treated any way that they deem “Toxic,” and often turn to “Safe spaces” to go to when someone is “mean,” or they feel really “overwhelmed!” This is downright pathetic, and you can thank all of the “Psychologists” who diagnosed these kids, and the foolish parents who bought into it!

6. Accepting without question…In America, we have the right to choose the way we wish to live…at least up until now. The problem lies in that we are now ALL supposed to join in the fantasies that others believe. These range from girls believing they are boys and vice versa, to some thinking that they are animals. Younger generations have no problem propping up what was once called a mental illness. So ask yourself, why should someone play along with anyone who tells us they are different from what we see, when the same people didn’t even believe who they were in the first place?

So this is why we refer to them as the Rainbow Cult. They have been Groomed and Indoctrinated into believing that they must buy into these extreme fallacies in order to fit in. They don't even realize what the ramifications of what they are embracing will be. Independent thinking is frowned upon and deemed dangerous. Unfortunately too many parents have allowed this to happen because they were too busy trying to cope with their own issues, or their desires to achieve worldly things. Children were thrown to the side and ignored. The other group of parents are in an even Sadder Situation...One that was not of their own making. We know of all too many homeschoolers whose kids went astray. How many Pastor's kids do the same? We have seen it up close and personally. One Pastor we knew had two darling daughters who changed drastically. They were the most adorable kids, but are hardly recognizable today. Tons of odd tattoos, scars from cutting, and worst of all, making the decision to ghost their own parents. They have most definitely been Indoctrinated and have thus bought into the Rainbow Cult. It's like all of the goodness that their parents bestowed upon them has been wiped away, because it HAS. The worst part is that NO family is immune to this! People may pretend otherwise, but it has affected us ALL! Worst Part? It seems to be the most obvious in families that have Faith in their lives and have upheld their beliefs, but WHY is this? Because WHO else would Satan wish to wipe out but Judeo Christian God worshiping families???

So here we are folks...In dire times. The younger generations don’t think they want the same America as we do, because they have been brainwashed to think that it was BAD. It won’t be until they have to experience the other side…Communism…that they will wise up and truly understand! Another way they will get it would be through being taught the truth about history and the ramifications of not protecting our Republic! It’s going to take time, but it CAN be done! Either way, DO NOT lose hope! Our God is greater and stronger than this Rainbow Cult of Destruction! Remember God OWNS the rainbow! It was His promise to us after the flood. Do NOT let anyone hijack it! Continue to do whatever you can to make a difference. Believe that you will bring about change. Pray hard, and make sure you are with like-minded people! We are meeting so many who are doing great things and we honor them for getting in the fight! Our families are the backbone of society and the pillars that will hold us all up! We must ALL make them our priority and one way to do this is to NOT prop up anything false that is being drummed into our children’s minds. It is important to always speak Truth to them, in love, no matter how hard they try to push back! We cannot afford for any of us to take a back seat to the Evil that has taken over America! Like we always say...It all starts with our families, and inevitably, what we do there will affect EVERYONE…Good or Bad! Make sure that you are prioritizing YOUR family, so that the mark that you make through your children on society, is a GOOD and POSITIVE one! Be strong in ALL ways…Financially, Physically (BOTH Mind and Body) but most of all...Spiritually! Together, we WILL get through this fight! God Bless you ALL and may God Bless America!

The Shameful Sham
Worst part of it all, is that they are getting away with it! It's time now, that those of us who know the Constitution and understand that history repeats itself unless we stay on track, conveys to those who do not know, just exactly what is wrong with America right now...
Don't buy the Lies!
This is for our dear mothers...especially the new ones...Whatever you do, do NOT buy the lies that are fed to you. There will be many, but it is important to stick with what you KNOW to be right!
American Universities Gone Amok!
Pro-Hamas Terrorists have taken over our best universities and turned them into mob rule anarchies! Intimidating Jewish students, blocking their way, threatening them with violence, and worst of all... University Presidents and Deans CONDONE THIS!
Antisemitism is at all-time high under the radical Biden administration!
Watch Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu school us that this hate doesn't end there - it ends in hating OUR COUNTRY as well!
Flowers or Weeds?
The bible states the parable of the wheat and the tares...We choose to refer to these as the flowers and the weeds. One shows beauty and goodness in all ways, while the other is just waste...not worth our time.
Memorial Day is on Monday, May 27, 2024
Happy Cinco de Mayo
To our Patriotic American Latinos!
May 5, 2024
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Mother's Day is Sunday, May 12, 2024