We Gather Together
At this time of the year, we thought it appropriate to title our newsletter after a very well-known hymn that was written in the 16th century as an expression of celebration of the freedom that the Netherlands won from Spanish oppression. Our choice was not just because it is what our country is experiencing right now at the hands of the Left who are trying to push us into the New World Order, but because of what we ourselves have experienced in the last few years... Division. We're not talking about the divide between the Left and the Right, but specifically the divisiveness between our own people. You know... those who identify as Conservatives and Christians, but unfortunately do not behave as such, and it's very concerning to see...
Whether in social (media) groups, political groups, executive committees or even neighborhoods, it's there... this disturbing behavior that turns others away from wanting to join us in our party or faith. Too many have not yet understood that who we claim to be, needs to align with our actions. For example, if someone who says they are Conservative, behaves like the Woke Liberals, or a supposed Christian behaves in unseemly ways, it certainly makes one take notice...and NOT in a good way! People are turned off by the hypocrisy of others. It is better to stay silent than to claim to be something that we’re not! Those we are trying to bring to our side to vote for Donald J. Trump, see this hypocrisy, rather than the good reputation that we thought they saw and this does more damage to our society and divides us into even smaller groups than the Left has already put us in. Imagine if we were all on the same page and stood against this ruination of our country. How exciting and effective would we be if we were all on the same page and stood as one?

As we all know, a very important election looms before us in only four days. It's the most consequential one we have ever had. Whether or not America continues to exist is on the line. As dark as that sounds, that is the truth of it, and this is why we are writing about it. Too many people still refuse to stand for what is right, because they are afraid that it might put them in a bad light with others of a differing opinion. They are what we refer to as Closet Conservatives and in our opinion, they are just as disappointing as Christians of Convenience. What's really astonishing, is that some of the people who are timid in this way, are also some of the most outspoken and opinionated in others. They never shy away from sharing their thoughts about others, but when it comes to sharing their support of Donald Trump, they keep that a well-hidden secret. This is a shame, because our country was founded by a group of Patriots who were willing to die for their beliefs and our freedoms... so we wonder what they would say if they saw the hesitation of people who were too afraid to show what they really believe, and stand up for truth.

We become very dismayed when we observe the ways that people around us deal with what our country is going through right now. We have certainly found out who our friends are, and who are not. While we know that no one is perfect and beliefs should not separate us, how can anyone come to terms with those who knowingly or inadvertently put our freedoms in peril because of their unwillingness to step up or their need to fit in? In the day of the JFK Liberals, there could be a meeting of the minds, but now there is such a difference in their beliefs, that we see it as an insurmountable problem! We also believe that one's political beliefs must align with their spiritual ones. We sat next to two younger men the other night at a Pro-Life function and were so inspired to see their no holds barred opinions spill forth! NO, you cannot call yourself a Christian and still be Pro-Choice! We were completely inspired and delightfully pleased to hear their strong views, and it made the night even better than we thought it would be! People like these young men give us hope for the future of America! Especially because one of them was originally a citizen of Canada. He spent thousands of dollars to become a U.S. citizen, and we are glad and we are lucky to have him and his family here! People like them will be the ones who fight to Keep America Great!

America needs a re-awakening in many ways...We must all come back to our belief in God. We must serve Him and put Him first in our lives, rather than ourselves. We must protect our young. Our children and families must become our priority again.We must be hard working. No more handouts, except for those who are mentally ill, and of course our veterans who served us. We must leave behind our need to compete and replace that with caring for others. We need to regain our strength... Mentally, Spiritually and Physically and especially now, we must make sure that our words and actions align so we can bring more people to our side in order to strengthen our country. So let's put an end to the Wicked Oppression that the Left has brought upon us and instead Gather Together so we can really experience God's Blessings! We must all get out and vote if we have not already done so, and get Donald J. Trump elected as our 47th President! God Bless you All...
Food for Thought
Every day we hear from Conservative Pundits that this election is our last chance to save America as we are at the brink of losing her. Pretty serious, right? But what if this IS in fact the truth? After looking into it, we believe that they are correct, and the following are some thoughts we should ponder. A sort of list of “what if’s” that we all should take into consideration…
Monday, November 11, 2024
We're Fed Up!
Ever think we’d be living in a country that’s going in such a bad direction? Anyone of a certain age, and those even younger would certainly say NO! Everything is all turned around, and what underlies it all is the Hypocrisy of the Left! The Democrats commit all sorts of gaffs and actions that we would deem criminal, and then they accuse the Right of doing those very things!
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May we have a lot to be thankful for by the time we get there!

Thursday, November 28, 2024
(305) 707-7983