September was hell…
Some months just turned out to be an apocalyptic shitshow. From the deaths of loved ones to  just mere irritation over a book project that is slogging through quicksand. Violent storms, betrayal, capital gains taxes, dead animals washing ashore, and running out of Cuban cigars.

On the other hand, I made significant progress on my next novel (see below), I spent some time with my best friend from college, took my new jeep off road, and made some major repairs on the boat.

This is why I write. The human condition. Writing is life.

Have a good October, dear readers. Help someone in need, don’t judge others when you don’t really know their life, and spread encouragement not criticism.
This is a sample of four short stories from Markus' two collections. 

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WIP: Desert Steve Novel
Desert. Sun. Sand. And no roads or human settlements within 50 miles in any direction. The perfect place to found a town?

That's what Steve Ragsdale believed. So he and his wife bundled up their four kids in their 1915 Ford Model T, bought a local prospector’s shack and well, and built a fuel station (a 50-gallon drum), a repair garage, and café. He advertised “Free food on days the sun doesn't shine" and “No drunks, no dogs—we prefer dogs.” He was the mayor, sheriff, rockhound, author, naturalist, desert guide, and Santa Claus at Christmastime. He became one of the local “Desert Rats” and earned the moniker “Desert Steve.” Along the way, he became part of history: the construction of the first State and National highways, the invention of prepaid healthcare, General Patton and World War II, the largest iron mine in the United States, flying saucer sightings, and much more.

Based on a true story, this is the tale of a quirky, clever, and bold man who pursued a dream, wrote bad poetry, and found ways to survive when many would have perished or packed it in.
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I still miss my father 10 years later…
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Who were the Desert Rats? Background from my upcoming historical novel
While the Colorado desert can seem pretty inhospitable, it teems with life if you know where (and how) to look.Especially in the early 1900s, this was a no-man’s land....
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More Exciting Space Opera - Barrayar by Lois MacMaster Bujold
AmazonkindleappleaudibleThe Vor Game (see my review here) because it had been recommended by a friend. I enjoyed it so much I started with the first in the series, Shards...
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A Romantic Space Opera: Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold
AmazonkindleappleaudibleThis is the first book in the Vorkosigan saga, a complex, multi-generational space opera. I read the sixth book in the series first, because it...
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Doctor Markus lives on a yacht and travels. He's overeducated with a serious case of wanderlust. Loves reading, Scotch whisky, and Cuban cigars.
Markus McDowell
author, editor, ghostwriter